017 : Another Date !

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( a/n , i found motivation to continue writing this :3 oh yeah and the picture there i might make another ichisaki based on those cards ! )

You're in Ichika's perspective .

I wait for Saki to knock on the door . Once I heard the first knock I immediately open the door seeing Saki with a bright smile on her face .

Saki : Hi Ichi-chan ! Are you ready ?

She smiles wider , lending her hand out .

Ichika : Yes , of course .

I grab her hand and , I felt romantic so I kissed it . She blushed so much her cheeks were all warm . We started walking around taking pictures and looking at stores and houses .

Saki : Ooh! Let's go to the boba shop !
Ichika : Alright , good thing I brought my wallet .

Saki runs inside the boba shop and quickly orders some boba for the both of us . I pay and take the bobas , giving Saki hers . She kissed my cheek and thanked me . But really , she didn't need to thank me . I payed because I wanted to .

Saki : Hum-hum~

Saki was humming while drinking her boba , it was honestly so cute .

Saki : Ichi-chan ? Aren't you gonna drink your boba ?
Ichika : W-wha ? Oh , right !

I awkwardly start sipping my boba really fast . Then I choke on the tapioca pearls .

Saki : I-Ichi-chan ?!

I kept coughing while Saki tried to help me , I coughed harder and it finally hopped out .

Saki : Ichi-chan ! That was scary ! Maybe you should drink slower ..
Ichika : Y-yeah . I'll keep that in mind , thanks .

I felt bad for making Saki upset . I tried to cheer her up by kissing and hugging her . It worked easily . I laugh and finish my boba but for Saki , she never finished . We started walking back . I walked Saki home and well , she still didn't finish her boba .

Saki : I'll see you tomorrow , Ichi-chan !

I watched as Saki ringed the doorbell and her sister answering . She waved at me and I waved back . She disappeared into the house . I started walking back while listening to a playlist of Miku songs .

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