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Pretty Boy

Malfoy traipsed along the edge of the hall, a dejected air about him. They had lost to the Gryffindor's again, all because of saint Potter. He felt a warm hand on his shoulder as he sighed, "It's okay, Dray, we all lose sometimes. We'll just beat them next time."

"Blaise." He turned to look at the other. "Get your bloody hand off me."

The Italian raised his hands in mock surrender. He laughed good naturedly. "Okay, okay, you big princess."

"Oi, Malfoy!"

He turned, a sneer replacing his usual smirk. "Potter. Come to boast, have you?"

"Don't think just because you lost I'll go easy on you, prat. I know you're planning something!" He accused as he stalked toward the pale boy.

Malfoy paled before regaining his composure, venom seeping into his tone. "What makes you so sure, Golden Boy?"

Harry stalked impossibly closer as Blaise stood off to the side, a worried but engaged expression on his face. He watched as Harry cornered Draco, essentially pinning him against the corridor wall. "I know what you are," he whispered into the blondes ear, "I know what you have on your arm."

Malfoy shook, his voice cracking as he spoke. "I- I don't have anything."

"Yes, you do." Potter insisted. A smirk took place on his face as he grabbed at Draco's arm, caressing it. "Don't play games with me, pretty boy."

Malfoy whimpered visibly as he saw a heated fire take over his enemy's eyes. "Harry?"

That seemed to shake Potter out of whatever trance he had been in as he shook his head repeatedly and put distance between them. "This isn't over, Malfoy," was all he said before scurrying off toward his friends.

Blaise perched at his shoulder as they watched the raven-haired boy talk animatedly to his ginger friend. He placed a hand in Draco's shoulder once again. "Hey, man, at least we know he thinks you're pretty."

Draco couldn't help the smile that appeared for the rest of the day. 

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