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Harry found himself shaking as he got up and walked to the front of the class. The new divination teacher had made them write their own poems. She had insisted that they were the way to read somebody, to reach down into their soul.

He cleared his voice as he started.

"Eyes made of silver, watery and moonlit

Fluff of white, snowlike and rampant

Skin glistening,


How come it is only now that I have come to this?

That I have realized that I must feel

Your lips,

Your kiss.

Moonlit gray eyes,

Silver in tone,

I must admit that I want to be home."

The class applauded after he was done, most whispering to themselves over who it could be but deep in the corner, right next to his Slytherin friend's the Moonlit gray eyes stared back, wide and adoring. An expression that Harry had never seen before had spread across Malfoy's face.


As he made his way out of the classroom, a hand pulled him back, emitting an "oof!" From him.


"Potter." He responded. "That poem..did you think I wouldn't figure it out? Everybody else thinks that you were on about Looney Lovegood but..I have to it about me?"

Harry's breath fell short as he nodded, almost imperceptibly.

"I need an answer, Harry."

Maybe it was the way that he had never heard his name roll off the other's tongue, or in the way that he said it but he felt himself answering. "Yes."

And that was all it took for the blonde's hands to make their way onto his waist, hugging him close, kissing his nose. "You write beautifully."

Harry blushed deep down to the root of his hair. 

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