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House Unity

It had been weeks since the war had ended, months since Draco and Harry had their encounter in Malfoy Manor. Somehow, they had gotten worse. At any given moment they would insult each other with the quickest thing they could think of.

For both Harry and Draco, it had become a way to hold on to their past consistency of life. The solidness that it had provided and familiarity that they had with one another. Unfortunately, the professors bore the brunt of it and oftentimes, had to separate the boys.

Which is how both teenagers found themselves seated across from a contemplative headmistress, a mischievous smile in place. "My dears, do you know why you're in here?"

"I'm not really sure, Professor." Spoke up the raven-haired boy.

"Nor am I," scoffed Malfoy as he picked at his robes, "I thought I was doing exceptionally well in my classes."

Mcgonagall's eyes twinkled. "That you are, Draco." She sighed. "It's come to my attention that neither of you can seem to be in the other's presence which is why I must insist that you do not call each other negative names anymore or you will be forced to spend all of your time together until you manage to settle your differences." Both boys turned toward each other with horrified expressions. "Very well, I expect to see great house unity from both of you."


Monday of that week, they had transfiguration. The week passed on as usual, and come Wednesday, Malfoy was insulting Harry again. "Shut up, you nitwit! I can't listen!"

Mcgonagall turned around, giving them the side eye. "No negative names in my classroom, boys."

Draco's frustration gave way to irrationality as he thought about a multitude of ways to annoy both the professor and Potter. "Alright then," he exclaimed with a tight-lipped smile, "Harry, darling, will you please listen to the lecture so your small brain can understand?"

He saw Potter roll his eyes. "Sure, daddy, whatever you want." Draco's face bloomed red as he squashed Harry's foot under the desk. "Uh, uh," Harry taunted, "That's not very nice, Drakey."

"Prince Potter."

"Darling Malfoy."

And so, on, and on, and on they went with the nicknames until come next month, most people hardly even blinked. In fact, most first years were under the impression that they were dating.

By the end of the week of the next month, Mcgonagall had them stay after class. "Alright boys, I get it. You can resume your bickering, I can't take this anymore."

Harry and Draco high-fived each other with smiles on their faces. Harry speaking first, "No thanks, Minnie. I think we'll be sticking to this from now on, right Draco?"

"Sure are, Harry."

They both walked toward the door but the headmistress did not miss the attached hands, nor did she miss their genuine laughs as they walked out of her classroom. She laughed to herself too, for she had just earned a weeks worth of lesson plans all done for her by Professor Manchester. Who knew a small bet could bring such joy?

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