Chapter 2: Imprisoned

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When I awoke, it took me a minute to realize I was not in my Omashu palace bedroom, but in fact on a Fire Nation ship. I sat up, taking in my surroundings. The bed was rather large for a prisoner, and I suspected Iroh might have had something to do with my higher-than-average living conditions.

The whole room was decorated in red and black, with small lamps lighting the corners. I scanned the room, noting that everything was metal, nothing for me to bend. That one was probably Zuko's doing, I mused, scowling. A large Fire Nation insignia hung on the opposite wall.

I glared at it fiercely for a second, hating the Fire Nation for everything they had done to the world and to me, personally. Then I realized what I fool I was for staring at a symbol as if it was going to solve anything. Deciding to explore the rest of my temporary home, I stood and walked towards the door. Surprisingly, it was unlocked.

I walked silently down the corridors and made my way up to the deck, where I heard voices arguing. As I peered around the corner, I saw Iroh sitting at a Pai Sho table, and Zuko seemed to be talking to himself and shouting at his uncle at the same time. I rolled my eyes. That prince threw as many temper tantrums as... well, as a spoiled Fire Nation prince.

"What am I supposed to do with an Earth kingdom princess?" he raged. I realized they were talking about me and resolved to stay hidden for now.

"I don't know, Zuko, you are the one who captured her," Iroh replied calmly, moving a piece on his table.

"Argh!" Zuko stomped his foot. "What was I supposed to do? She would have given us away!"

"That is true," Iroh agreed, studying his game.

"But now what use is she?" he cried. "I need the Avatar, not some silly earthbender!" I bristled from my hiding post. Silly earthbender? Well, I'll tell you who looks silly, Prince Zuko. At least I don't have some dumb ponytail on my head.

"Wait!" Zuko stopped his pacing. "She was friends with the Avatar! They fought together. I bet she knows where he is! Yes, yes, I can use her to find him and then my honor shall be restored!" I scowled. If Zuko thought he was gonna use me to find Aang, he had another thing coming.

"Uncle, where are you going?" Zuko demanded, glaring at Iroh, who had gotten up from his Pai Sho table.

"To make some tea," Iroh said. "All this Pai Sho is making me quite thirsty."

"Fetch the earth kingdom girl for me," Zuko ordered. "I need to find out the Avatar's whereabouts from her."

"As you wish, Prince Zuko," Iroh replied. I panicked as I realized that he was going to my quarters. Quickly, I dashed down the hall, entered my room, and flung myself down on the bed seconds before there was a knock on the door.

"Er... come in!" I called, my voice sounding high pitched and breathless. Iroh entered, looking around. "Oh, hello General Iroh! I was just, erm... resting."

"Please, call me Iroh," he replied, bowing slightly. I could see a small smirk on his face and I blushed. He must have seen right through me. "Prince Zuko wishes to speak to you up on the deck."

"Very well," I said in my most dignified tone, trying to pretend I hadn't just been caught. I walked up to the deck, where Zuko was standing facing the ocean.

"You wanted to speak to me?" I asked, and he whirled around in fighting stance. Startled, I held my hands up. Seeing it was just me, he relaxed slightly.

"Yes," he walked towards me, a threatening glint in his eye. "Where is the Avatar?"

I shrugged. "Dunno." Zuko's eye twitched slightly.

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