Chapter 15: The Swamp (Part 1)

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Aang, Sokka and Katara looked up from their perch on Appa's back as I glided down one of the mountains and into the campsite. They dismounted and ran towards me as I approached, their faces a combination of worry and curiosity.

"What did Bumi say?" Aang asked. I opened my mouth to speak, but unable to find words, I simply slid to my knees in front of them, exhausted.

"Kioni? Kioni!" Katara cried worriedly, crouching down and putting a hand to my forehead. "What happened? Are you all right?"

"I-I'm fine," I said, somewhat shakily, catching their concerned looks. "Bumi that I should travel with you guys for now... but I can't be your earthbending teacher, Aang."

"For now?" Sokka asked as Aang slumped, disappointed. I looked into each one of their faces before taking a deep breath.

"There might come a time when... I'll have to leave you," I said, choosing my words carefully. "When I'll have to follow a different path to reach my destiny. I don't know when, and I don't know how long I'll be gone. I just... no matter what happens, I want you guys to know that I'll always have your back."

They stared at me for a minute, looking bemused. Aang nodded first, a kind of understanding forming on his face. He reached forward and hugged me, and was followed by Sokka and Katara.

"You'll always have a place with us," he said, his voice muffled by my shoulder. "Don't forget that." I sniffed, feeling my throat
tighten as I hugged them back gratefully.


Zuko leaned against the back of his ostrich horse and crossed his arms, glaring at the people passing by from under his sun hat. His uncle sat next to him, holding his hat out to the citizens.

"Spare coins for weary travelers?" he called out. Zuko gritted his teeth as one person threw a few copper coins into the hat. This was so, so wrong.

"This is humiliating!" he growled. "We're royalty; these people should be giving us whatever we want."

"They will, if you ask nicely," Iroh replied complacently. "Spare change for a hungry old man?" he asked a young woman dressed in upper class clothes.

"Aw," she smiled in a patronizing way that set Zuko on edge. "Here you go."

"The coin is appreciated," Iroh grinned as she dropped a copper piece into his hat. "But not as much as your smile!" The woman giggled as she walked away and Zuko groaned, smacking his forehead with his palm. Wasn't it bad enough that they had to beg for money? Did his uncle really have to hit on girls half his age as well?

Since the universe was out to get him, Zuko mused grouchily as Iroh winked indiscreetly at another girl, apparently so.

A man with a small wolf's tail and dual broadswords on his back walked up to them, a menacing gleam in his eye. Zuko straightened slightly at the sight of his swords... they were so familiar, and an unbidden longing rose up in the prince's chest.

"How about some entertainment?" the man drawled. "For... a gold piece?" He whipped out the shining coin and Zuko stiffened.

"We're not performers," he scowled.

"Not professional, anyway!" Iroh said, hurrying to stand up. It took all of Zuko's restraint to not smack his forehead again when Iroh began to sing.

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