Chapter 10: The Avatar State (Part 1)

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As I soon realized, traveling with the Avatar and his friends was nothing like traveling with Prince Zuko.

For one thing, Aang, Sokka, and Katara actually seemed to like me. It was such a turnaround from what I was used to that it took me a few days to get used to it. Katara complimented me on my hair (even when it looked awful), Sokka laughed at my sarcastic remarks, and Aang always tried to cheer me up when I was feeling glum.

It made me feel even worse about lying to them.

They hadn't pushed me to talk yet, but I could feel their curious glances whenever I entered a room. More than once I heard Sokka and Katara whispering about me when they thought I wasn't listening. I planned to tell them, I really did, but the whole story was so strange and confusing that I didn't know where to begin.

It was easier to avoid the subject while we were on the Water Tribe ship. We were traveling with Pakku and a few other waterbenders on their way to the South Pole, partly because Appa couldn't fly all the way to the Earth Kingdom without rest and partly because Aang still needed a few waterbending lessons.

But we were separating soon, and there would be nothing to distract the other three. That was a lot to think about, but for the moment, I lay in my fur lined hammock and tried not to compare the ship to Zuko's.

The morning of our departure came much to soon for my liking. I stood on the deck of the ship, the cool breeze blowing through my hair as Sokka and Katara said their goodbyes to Pakku.

"Katara, I want you to have this," Pakku said, pulling a necklace with a thin vial on it out of a bag. "The amulet contains water from the Spirit Oasis. The water has unique properties. Don't lose it." Pakku's voice was stern, but a smile broke out on his weathered face.

"Thank you, Master Pakku," Katara said, bowing before rushing forward to hug him.

"Aang," Pakku said as the airbender stepped forward. Pakku handed him a wooden box filled with scrolls. "These scrolls will help you master waterbending. But remember, they are no substitute for a real master." Aang bowed and he and Katara exchanged a smile. I tried to suppress a smile of my own.

"Princess Kioni," Pakku addressed me, and I started. I hadn't been expecting a gift. Uncertainly, I stepped forward. Pakku regarded me with a thoughtful look, as if he knew something about me that I didn't.

"I sense unique abilities from you, princess," Pakku said mysteriously. He handed me a small blue pouch with a green string tied around it. "This pouch contains dried leaves from the tree in the Spirit Oasis. I think you will someday find them useful."

"But sir," I said, dumbfounded. "I'm not a healer, I'm an earthbender."

"This is true," Pakku agreed. "But like I said, I believe you are a special case, my dear. Say hello to your grandfather for me." He winked. Not knowing what to say, I nodded and bowed, stepping back.

Sokka stepped forward, a hopeful grin on his face. "Take care, Sokka." Pakku said, patting his arm. Sokka slumped, dejected.

"Fly straight to the Earth Kingdom base east of here," Pakku advised us once we had boarded Appa. "General Fong with provide you with an escort to Omashu. There you'll be safe to begin your earthbending training with King Bumi."

"Appa, yip yip!" Aang called. My stomach dropped unpleasantly as Appa smacked his tail against the ship and launched into the air. I gasped, clutching the sides of the saddle as we rose seventy, eighty, ninety feet into the air.

"First time?" Sokka said nonchalantly, leaning back against the saddle and putting his arms behind his head. "Don't worry, you get used to it."

After I got over the initial shock, I discovered that I quite liked flying. It was pretty exhilarating to be soaring above the ocean with the wind whipping through my hair. I envied Aang a little, being able to travel like this all the time, never being confined to the earth below.

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