Kavari's Interlude (Short)

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"KJ, pass the ball forward!" Kavari's Coach: Smith, shouted

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"KJ, pass the ball forward!" Kavari's Coach: Smith, shouted. Basketball practice for him was like an average school day. Practice started at 6 a.m. and ended at 12 p.m. He barely had any time to attend classes, so he did them all online. He found it easier than anything else he's done. And ever since he'd gotten to college, he didn't speak to his dad very much.

No calls, no texts, not even letters. When Jaylen and Lily had left, it was hell on earth. Argument after argument between Kavari and his father. Their relationship was ruined, and it wasn't anyone's fault but his. If he had never gotten with Jaylen, that would've never happened. But Kavari had to accept the hard truth, he had no relationship with his dad, and that was okay.

He didn't need him anyways, his basketball career was on the uprising, seeing how he had a D1 scholarship at USC anyways. And Kavari didn't do relationships anymore, not even sneaky links.

He was a new person at a new school. He was more sensitive than before, more down to earth. He quit smoking weed once he got his D1 scholarship, and began to just like being alone.

He'd find himself thinking about Jaylen from time to time, but they haven't contacted each other in a while. Almost two years. And it was better that way.


"You going to that party on tha corner tonight?" Pablo, his center asked. Pablo was an average Hispanic who embraced his culture. His nickname was 'papi' but only a few guys on the team called him that. "Nah, I might just stay in my dorm honestly."

Kavari was a home body, didn't like to be around too many people anymore. He felt like silence was music to his ears. "Man, I heard some bitches from UCLA going." Pablo said. Kavari simply shrugged, maybe he'd go out tonight. He didn't have anything to do anyways.

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