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"Derek, touch my leg one more time, swear I'll fuck you up." Ciro huffs out.

"Manolo." His pops was quick to speak up.

"Sorry.." He mumbled. Jaylen snorted out, seeing the out spoken Dominican get scolded by his father, was quite entertaining.

The three UCLA boys sat at a booth. Practice had indeed ended, and in order to avoid his coach, Jaylen decided to ask Ciro if they could go out to eat.

His treat.

Jaylen asked for the scrambled eggs, and pork bacon. Ciro ordered two waffles, an iced coffee, while Derek simply asked for a bagel and orange juice.

The three arrived at Meat U There before it even opened, an advantage seeing how Ciro's parents were currently taking care of the restaurant.

"Your food will be out soon, I think your pai already started cooking." Imani explained, heading through the white double doors in doing so.

Sitting in silence, Jaylen looked up to see both Derek and Ciro staring at him. He first looked around, before asking his teammates what the actual hell they were staring at.

"What the hell are you guys staring at?"

"You're not gonna tell us what happened?"

"Why was Kavari Floyd Jr. in your room last night?"

There's nothing more Jaylen hated, than to be investigated while waiting for his food. That, and when people decided to speak to him.

He preferred silence. Especially now.

"There's nothing to tell, we're old friends." Friends? Could he even call them that? Their messages between each other weren't exactly friendly, more business casual.

The thumbs-up honestly made Jaylen throw his phone earlier this morning

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The thumbs-up honestly made Jaylen throw his phone earlier this morning. And of course, Derek had given him a weird look in doing so.

"You don't even consider us your friends." Ciro pointed out, which Jaylen had agreed with. He didn't exactly see Kavari as his friend, he wasn't sure how to view him entirely.

"He's not even denying it." Derek spoke.

"Derek, after what you did last night, you don't get to feel offended." Jaylen stated stoically, he wasn't even sure why he invited this white boy along with him and Ciro.

Derek didn't argue back, and simply glanced at Ciro who usually spoke out against Jaylen.

"Did you fuck?"

"No, Ciro."

"But you wanted to."

Jaylen didn't respond. He didn't want to fuck anyone, especially not Kavari. It didn't seem..logical? Jaylen wasn't exactly sure himself.

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