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Kavari was quite cold. His outfit wasn't making him feel any better. His jorts, dark blue tee, and black Yeezy foam runners weren't really keeping him warm in any way, shape, or form.

And the current situation he was in, wasn't going to fix much either.

"I didn't block you, by the way. I just changed my number." Jaylen said, stuffing his hands into his pockets. Trying to make the situation less depressing.

"That's not gon make anything better, Jay." He somewhat whispered out. Kavari folded his arms, only thing to be heard was a grasshopper that was clearly having a better night than him.

Jaylen honestly felt like shit. He wanted to make it up to the older man, whatever he had to do.

He'd do it.

"Can I give you my new number and socials?" Jaylen asked, he wanted to stay in contact with Kavari. Whether they talked or not, he wanted to be in his presence. He wanted to know Kavari was just a call away.

"Have you ever thought maybe I don't want you back in my life?" Kavari asked, his tone bitter. Jaylen's stomach dropped, his palms getting a bit sweaty.

"You ain't want me in yours. Sometimes I'm angry at myself, that I still love you. That I still want you, and need you." Kavari said, handing his phone to Jaylen.

"Type your number in, ion use social media like that no more." Jaylen typed in his new number, saving his contact simply as his name.

Emojis would be excessive, especially being aware of how Kavari felt currently. "How's Lily?" Kavari asked, texting Jaylen so he could save his number as well.

The mere mention of his mother made his jaw tighten, they weren't exactly getting along right now.
"She's okay." He shrugged, not wanting to talk about her. Which Kavari could tell the slightly taller man didn't want to.

But he didn't care.

"Have you been nicer to her?"

"I've always been nice."

"Mmcht, you is a lie." Kavari chuckled out.

"We're kinda arguing right now. She's being a bit-"

"Jaylen, don't disrespect yo mama like that bruh. We been talked about this." Right, Jaylen needed to be more considerate of Kavari's feeling and experiences.

"You're right, I'm sorry. We just aren't in a good place right now. But I shouldn't be disrespectful." He mumbled out. Kavari nudged Jaylen, getting his full attention.

"You ain't gon tell me what happen?"

"It's a long story."

"We got time."

Jaylen smiled at that, he liked this. He was still quite shocked to see Kavari before him. After all that time, they were back together.

Well, not together.

But it felt like old times. Just the two of them.

As Jaylen opened his mouth to speak, the backyard door opened. Revealing a drunk Derek. "Jay! Where ya beeeeeeen."

Fucking Derek, why couldn't he disappear at convenient times? Derek looked absolutely wasted. And a little high? If they got drug tested, he was done for. UCLA did not play about drugs. Not even weed.

"Oh my god, you're that guy. We literally came here to see you, Jaylen didn't wanna come at first but like-"


"Yes Jaylen?"

"Please, shut the fuck up." Jaylen sighed. Kavari wore a giddy look on his face. Jaylen knew he'd be here, and came anyways.

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