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Silence filled the car, as Jaylen drove around.

He didn't exactly have a plan. He didn't know where to take Kavari. And after yesterday he wasn't really sure what to say.

Well, maybe they could go to Meat U There. Yeah, it was last minute, but he'd prefer that. Especially since he didn't get to talk to Imani or Angel as much.

Jaylen glanced at Kavari, who had his eyes set outside the window.

Jaylen had no idea what to say to him.

It was a bit awkward to say the least, suffocating too.

Geez, it was so quiet.

Jaylen thanked his playlist for coming in clutch, as the music drowned out the deafening silence.

"This wack ass song.." Kavari says, skipping the song on Jaylen's phone. And Jaylen was surprised to even hear Kavari speak.

Which he only had said hey, when he entered into his car. So, even if he was simply trashing Jay's music taste, it was a start.

Better than nothing, honestly.

"Doja doesn't have one bad song." Jaylen says, his eyes still on the road in front of him. This traffic was no joke, at least it wasn't too bad.

It was still pretty bright out, so the streets weren't too crowded.

"You're right, they're all bad, with her demonic ass." Kavari mutters, the next song to play was Cobra by Megan Thee Stallion.

The rock remix to be specific.

And to Kavari's surprise, Jaylen knew it word for word. "You fuck with Meg?" Kavari asks, turning up the volume.

"Who doesn't?" Jaylen shrugs, one hand on the wheel, and the other on the center console. "I ain't know you listen to music like this." Kavari clearly doesn't know a lot about Jaylen.

Which wasn't his fault. Mainly Jaylen's.

Let's agree it's always a man's fault, yeah?

"You can play whatever you want, I don't care." Jaylen hands Kavari his phone unlocked, on whatever music app he's currently using.

Of course Kavari loves Meg, but he needed the atmosphere to be set correctly if he was going to get Jaylen to talk about his past.

The slightly older man can't help but play Freudian by Daniel Cesar. It's a generally a good song, and speaks more volume than any of the two can express.

The two sit in silence yet again, not sure what to say to one another. Daniel Cesar's voice was the only thing filling the silence.

You are the reason, the reason I sing.

"Press meeting tomorrow, right?"

"How'd you know?"

"I'm that nigga for real, duh." Kavari jokes, one of his legs bouncing up and down in doing so.


What for?

Kavari glances at Jaylen, and couldn't help but just stare. He was so different. Tattoos, different style, the way he carried himself. He was just, different.

And of course Kavari was attracted to him, have you seen Jaylen? He loves Jaylen, has so much love for him too. Kavari just isn't  sure if love was worth it.

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