Yeah, Okay

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"My behavior was unacceptable, and as I represent the UCLA Track and Field Team, I will be held accountable."

Like hell he will be.

Jaylen knows good and well they don't typically care enough to suspend or expel him. Sure, he beat the hell out of a racist, but he wasn't being sued.

And he didn't fling his dick around, so who really cares? And track hasn't really began either. It wouldn't make any sense to hold him accountable for any of this.

"Mr.Park, can you explain exactly what happened that night? The video only shows the brief physical altercation.."

Jaylen hates being asked questions he can't answer, or simply won't answer. Especially since he already signed a disclosure, so speaking of the situation would put him in deeper shit.

"It was late, we were both tired, it was a simple disagreement." You'd think athletes would go through public press training, and even if they do Jaylen surely hasn't.

"I'm sorry, but that doesn't exactly answer the question.." Jaylen really wants to roll his eyes, seeing how it was someone else who spoke up, and not the person who asked the question in the first place.

"Well, what happened then, can stay in the past-"

"So much seemed to happen in one night.. Can you explain what you were feeling?"

Where is Coach Anderson when Jaylen needs him? There's no way for him to get out of this.

Jaylen sighs out, and he suddenly feels all the emotions he felt that night. "I'm sorry, is this a therapy session?" Many in the crowd laugh, but Jaylen wasn't joking. He was very serious.

"Mr.Park, you're avoiding the questions that are being asked. I know that night was rough for you-"

"Were you there?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Were. You. There?"

One thing Jaylen hates the most is when people try and act as if they know him.

Clearly, they don't.

No matter how hard they try, Jaylen doesn't just let anyone in on his life. You think he warmed up to Ciro as soon as he met him? Absolutely not.

The reporter was stunned to say the least, others snickered, and even seem to have second hand embarrassment.

Jaylen thought he'd feel regret as soon as he opened his mouth.

He doesn't.

He basically already messed up this press meeting. They are making his job so much harder than it needs to be right now.

The whole point of this press meeting is to apologize, and set shit straight. Not to ask about his fucking feelings, and dissect his pride.

"What's your name?"


"Jonathan—can I call you Jonny? Yeah? Okay, clearly you weren't there at the fucking party Jimmy, so how would you even know?"

Jaylen was for sure going to run laps, or be fined. What for?

He's got no idea.

Wherever Anderson is now; Jaylen didn't care. Matter of fact, where the fuck is Anderson?

"Ya, hajima. Geugeomyeon chungbunhadago saeng-gaghaji anh-a?" A reporter said, her long hair and bangs catch Jaylen's attention.

That and because she's Korean. She's speaking Korean, so clearly she is Korean. Jaylen's logic doesn't always add up, clearly.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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