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TW: Mentions of Rape, and Suicide.
If you are struggling with mental health, such as depression, anxiety, etc., please reach out to someone you trust! If you or a loved one have been sexually assaulted please speak up! Lots of love from: Cherry ❤️.

Viewer discretion is advised.


Kavari could not sleep. It had just dawned on him that he was sleeping in Jaylen's room and had finally saw him after almost two years. They were being so casual, but was that even allowed? Could they really just put everything behind them as if he never happened? He was hot, and bothered just thinking about it.

"Jay," Kavari whispered out. "you sleep?"

"Yes." Jaylen said, making no attempt to whisper, and by the sounds of it, he didn't even seem tired. Maybe the nap he had in the car ride here fueled his energy. "Mmcht you is a lie, I thought you were tired?"

"I was, until I realized you were actually in my bed."  Kavari didn't respond, instead he simply sighed. Jaylen was very blunt, who the hell turned the soft spoken boy into whatever the hell this is.

"Can I ask you something?" Kavari shifts around to face Jaylen, who was already looking at the man on his bed.

"You just did."


"Okay, yeah sorry. Ask me whatever you want." He sighed out.

"Who you lose your virginity to?" Kavari asked lowly, and Jaylen was definitely shocked at that question. He didn't expect that to be asked, and he definitely didn't know how to exactly answer that.

"Some girl at a party in Utah."

"That's it?"

"I mean, what else are you looking for?"

"A proper answer? Did you two date? What typa answer een is that?" Okay so, clearly Kavari was getting upset. His ATL accent forcing its way through as he spoke.

"I didn't even know you liked women, I thought it was just niggas. I thought we made that clear back in... never mind. I'm going to sleep." Kavari rolled over onto his side, and forced his eyes shut in order to sleep.

Jaylen was acting as if this wasn't a serious conversation, like nigga please.

"No, we didn't date. I'm not really attracted to women. I know it sounds fucked up, but when you need to blow off steam, you do it anyways." Jaylen said with a sigh, lying on his back.

"That's fucked up to say, Jay."

"I know." He stared at his ceiling, memories flashing back to that night. Unwanted drinking, unwanted touching, and unwanted activities. It was all a blur, but it seemed like it all happened only yesterday.

"I don't remember who she was, because I actually didn't know her." Jaylen started, and he could've sworn he heard Kavari huff out. "Okay so, why did you sleep with her?" Kavari flipped back around, asking Jaylen as his already naturally pouted lips, pouted a bit more than before.

"Kavari, I didn't want to." Jaylen whispered out, still staring at his ceiling. Kavari felt his heart drop, and eyes sting. What did Jaylen just say?

"I was really drunk, and I swear that bitch put something in my drink. She took advantage of me, and even though I didn't want to have sex with her, I still came, and I've always felt like that's made me disgusting-"

"Jay, no. No, no, fuck no." Kavari stood up from Jaylen's bed, and sat at his side before he began speaking once again. "Jaylen, even though you didn't want it, your body was still going to have that reaction regardless." Kavari said, doe eyed as he stared at the Asian man.

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