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"And you two still haven't fucked?"

Jaylen decided to call Gabby as soon as he got into his dorm. He dropped off Kavari after they ate, and it genuinely seems like the two are improving with.. whatever this is.

It wasn't as awkward as he thought it'd be.

And it definitely didn't involve any food fights, or tears. So, naturally Jaylen felt at ease.

Also, Jaylen really needs to figure out what he'll say tomorrow to Baxter, and the press.

He was almost positive there was a speech written for him, but still just incase. And even if there was a speech, he highly doubts he'll sound sincere.

"No, it's not like that."

"Bullshit. We both know you wanna hit that."

Maybe. But Jaylen doesn't just wanna sleep with Kavari. He wants more than that.

"You make it so hard for me to like you." Jaylen jokes. He pulls out his desk chair, sets up his phone, and opens his laptop.

"Searching for your family again?"

Jaylen shook his head yes. He needs to find something, a cousin, family friend, maybe an aunt?

Jaylen hopes he finds something. Whether it's someone who wants nothing to do with him, or someone who's only heard stories of him.

After a while, Jaylen thought.

There was someone in the apartment complex that sold drugs to his dad nearly everyday.

Shawn Jacks.

That was a name he could never forget, a name he was bound to remember, whether he wants to or not.

"Maybe you should really let it go. Didn't yo mom say to let it be?"

"Okay, bye Gabs, love you." Jaylen says quickly, he hung up on Gabby. He didn't feel like getting annoyed, putting up with more people than he needed to, or being questioned.

Even if that meant having to ghost his best friend for a while.

Thinking back, Jaylen realizes Shawn was sentenced to prison before he moved to Atlanta. He forgot how long, but it clearly was a while since he was locked up for drugs.

Shawn Jacks was typically a family friend—kinda. He sold so many drugs to his father, he was at Jaylen's house more than he was. That was just the hard truth.


It was almost like this is too easy for Jaylen. He could simply schedule a video appointment with Shawn Jacks tomorrow.


He just hopes he'll get the answers he's looking for.


The next day, Jaylen sits in the USC conference room.

In a suit.

In black and white Jordan 11s.

If he was going to make this apology, he'd prefer to look good while doing it. Especially if it's going to be an apology he doesn't mean.

Coach Anderson, Coach Smith, and Nicholas Baxter, were all present in one room. While he should be focusing on whatever they have going on, he tried his best to suppress any laughter.

It was difficult, seeing how Baxter's hair looks totally fucked. And how he wore a nose cast. Was he trying to make himself stay viral? He should honestly just buzz it all off.

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