[Another Library] DOORS

166 14 23

(im trying to get over my writer's block by writing some random things lol :'))


"So, dear... Do you usually come here?" Asked the shop seller. Fredric tended to ignore the man's question, prefering to focus more on the book he had been holding in his hands for some time now, turning it around, upside down, noticabelly eager to get in its world and find what a life is waiting for him there.

"Yes," he finally said, nodding in quiet. "It has been pretty much my life now."

Laughing silently, his heart shattering into pieces in silence that only he could hear, he ran his fingers over the book's leather cover. As the soft texture rubbed against his boney, long fingers Fredric found himself on the edge to burst into tears. He managed to hold them in, though, letting only a small tear of sadness run lightly above his cheek and disappear into nothingness.

"Say..." The shop seller started as an attempt to try and take the man's attention somewhere else, as he realized he might've made a mistake by hurting him without knowing. "Do you have anything you want to be on your mind?" Fredric, shuddering away from the abrupt question's arrows pointing towards him, ran his eyes away and set them on a plant nearby the wooden door. "I've quite got the idea that you're interested in books pretty much a lot, am I right?"


A soft chuckle followed Fredric's slight, barely noticable nod.

"I feel somehow a strong bond between me and... books." Nodding understandingly, the shop seller sighed. He quickly ran his eyes over the room as he was trying to figure out what to say next to continue this awkward conversation of him and the boy.

"You know, maybe you should try something different one day. Have you ever visited a proper library?" Fredric shook his head to the shop seller's question while his eyes darted around the corners of the room as he didn't want to maintain eye contact for too long. "I bet you'd enjoy seeing new places." Getting a quick laugh out, he took a look around the small shop's -that they were in right now- ceiling and floor. "You see, this place is pretty old... And it might get abandoned soon. I can't keep running this place with my bare self. People prefer going to better made places."

"I understand," Fredric looked deep into the rather old man's eyes, he understood and felt empathy for what this man had been going through. "people just want to see what is better."

"Seriously though, there's some really good libraries out there and I'd be pleased to know you went in one of them. I'd feel happy for you to experience such things, believe me, it'll feel like a new thing for you. It might make reading even more enjoyable for you." He sighed. "I'm sure it'd be better to read in a comfy library other than this place all stuffed up with broken wood and furniture."

Fredric got suspicious of whether if this man was tired of seeing him coming in his shop almost everyday, or if he was really thinking about closing his shop. Despite totally knowing that himself was the only one that ever visited this shop, Fredric still didn't want the man to feel this way and such things to happen. "But I love it here." He murmured.

"I'm getting old, young man." Insisted the shop seller. "Soon enough this place will be totally abandoned. Nobody will look at the face of this place after I'm gone. The second I lose my life, this shop is going to be no more." Sighing shakily, he set his eyes on Fredric's, a faded smile forming on his face. "There are many more good books out there, these ones here are just as old as me... Whenever I touch at a page, it crunches."

Fredric lowered his head and moved his feet a bit on the wooden planks uncomfortably, feeling bad to realize what the seller's saying is true.

"I'm sorry, sir." He whispered, then held the book out. "Can I borrow this?"

"Own it as you like."

Before smiling weakly and turning around to leave, Fredric threw a quick look at the man warmly and waved. When his body was set free from the ambient of the shop, Fredric arched his stern body, earning a few knucklings. The cold air washed over him at the moment he realized how foggy it was outside. Regardless of how much he'd want to go back in the old building, he knew it would make the seller annoyed. He turned around and started walking to somewhere he didn't exactly know where.

"Maybe I should visit a library."


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