[some drafts i didn't finish + info about my AU] DOORS

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here are some things that i began writing but left off half done, enjoy🤠


[a part of seek's origin/backstory that i got too lazy to finish]

The draughts blowing over the poorly sculptured roof of what you call a warm home, this night happened to be much colder than all the others have ever been. The pieces of the ripped papers were causing a little bit of chaos, flying around in the middle of the place he calls his room. Besides the struggles of trying to keep the windows shut the cold weather didn't seem to give a care about all of that he tried. The old covers flew hauntingly and kept hitting the trashed white -now gray- walls.

Sebastian banged his head on the wall right behind him and gave out a little annoyed groan as he did so. His right hand -which was pulling a bit of the black hair of his- slid down, rubbing harshly against the boy's face. His hand at last met with his white, thin shirt, pulling it down as quiet whimpers escaped from his mouth. "I hate my life." Tears that he couldn't stop ran down his face. What did he ever to do deserve such torment this young at his age?

Closed eyes, the tired boy let his body give in. What he didn't expect happened at that second he'd later hate himself for. The sheet of paper he had been working on all night escaped through the window with the force of the relentless wind. He let out a sigh and opened his eyes back on just to meet with the wooden texture of his desk, an empty desk. Within less than two seconds, the boy realized what had just happened. Repeating the word "no" swiftly with somewhat a loud whisper, he threw himself off his wooden chair and rushed to the open window which was the death of his hard work.

Without thinking carefully for one second, Sebastian chose to listen to his heart and found himself outside of his room, his bare feet maintaning still contact with the soft grass under. "Where could've it went to?" He thought out loud in something communicable a worry. The wind begun to fade away as another thing Sebastian loved, rain, started to let its incoming appearance be visible. "There's no way," he thought, "there's no way I'm ever going to find it."

In that miserable state he walked to the trashed outer wall of the house with slow, repetitive sobs. The black haired boy's cold back rubbed against the even colder brick wall as he slowly slid down desperately. He had worked so hard on that story even though it was only one page, but now it already was all gone. The clouds begun lettings their drops off to the hard ground, and off to him. Sebastian sniffled harshly and gave out a shaky exhale from the deep of his throat. Minutes passed by. He calmed down, though, still was a miserable state he was in. His upper eyelids fell down and shut themselves together with the lower ones of them below. Small leftovers of tears escaped through Sebastian's eyelashes.

"I wonder if there's a lasting escape from here..." Sebastian's thoughts clouded his mind, with the shaky voice of his he continued, quietly. "Or a temporary one, it could do too. As long as I get to run away, forget all my past and begin living something much more joyful. I wish I could just wake up one day..." The rest he tried to say out loud didn't come out. He continued to dream about his desire from the inside. "...and find myself away from everything, everything that will ever remind me of my past again."

He knew there was no way for such unimaginable things to happen. Cruel life, it wouldn't let him be happy.

Sebastian threw himself softly to the ground and laid down on his back. The upper and the lower eyelids of his slowly fell apart and his gaze met with the shiny, admirable stars up above in the infinite, dark sky. All the clouds begun moving towards the stars he had laid his eyes on and blocked them out of the miserable boy's sight. "I wish there was someone who would watch the stars with me." Sebastian thought, and continued his sentence out loud with a low voice. "Maybe then the clouds would let us watch the stars freely."

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