Illicit Affairs

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Olivia's throat dried up like the Sahara Desert. Her eyes flashing over the nurse's face before shaking her head, guiding her towards a gurney to get a bottle of water and hopefully rest well. In seconds she was turning, ready to run into the unstable building, as stupid of an idea that would be.

The only thing that stopped her was the strong grasp of her partner that had finally caught up to her, knowing he was going to be unable to stop herself from doing something incredibly stupid. "Olivia no." He pulled her away, not without her thrashing against him, her chest already heaving.

"No, Kevin, Kev, let me go, let me-, I have to-" She choked back the sob that so desperately wanted to claw out of her throat. "I have to go. They- they're in there. I have to get them," Olivia hit his arm, not hard enough to actually inflict any damage but there was a slight radiation of pain as the bottom of her fist smacked his bicep.

He didn't flinch away though, instead pulling her farther away. "Let the firefighters do their job. Liv. Olivia ." His voice sounded far away as he pulled her out of his grasp, instead gripping onto her shoulders tightly to get a good look at her. "You won't do them any good if you have to get rescued trying to get in there."

Deep down she knew he was right. There was nothing she could do. Her sneakers were wearing thin on the bottom, the gray cloth over her shoulders barely thick enough to stop a strong breeze, nevermind fire.

"Look," Her partner pointed as the familiar group of firefighters showed up on the scene. Firehouse 51, ever the close friends to the 21st district. Both just the way their jobs crossed over and the direct connection of one's own Randall McHolland and Trudy Platt.

Olivia watched as they jumped out of the firetruck, shoving herself out of Kevin's hold in his moment of distraction, thankful he didn't bother chasing after her as she went up to Captain Matt Casey. "Matt, Matt. " The blonde man turned quickly, recognizing all too well the voice calling to him.

The two had a thing years ago, before Olivia made it upstairs and before Matt met his ex-fiance. "Olivia? What are you doing here-" He was cut off by her grasping onto his turnout coat, her knuckles turning white at the pressure of her hold.

"Will and Connor are still inside. You have to get them out. Maggie said they were still inside and- and they haven't come out yet," Olivia loosened her grip as Matt covered her hands with his gloved ones, nodding.

Of course he was going to do anything in his power to get them out. Her begging or not, the doctors were a couple of his closest friends. People he wasn't too keen on losing, especially not in another emergency department explosion. "Liv, hey, we'll get them out. I promise."

The firefighter knew it wasn't smart to make a promise like that. Knowing that he and the others on his team had no idea what the inside of the building looked like. What damage was done, hell, they didn't even know what caused the explosion.

That was a job for the police and Voight was making sure the team was the first to take it over. Two of their own were in there. Even if they weren't physically a part of the team, being related to one detective and the boyfriend of the other made you top priority to Hank Voight.

The girl nodded, stepping away, the adrenaline slowly drying out as she watched 51 start their descent into the hospital. Olivia's eyes trailed over the group of people that were watching, faltering when they landed on Jay.

Oh god , Jay. His brother was in there and she could tell by the way his eyebrows were tightly knit together that he was just waiting, hoping for him to come out. With a heavy huff she tucked away her own feelings, her own emotions and circled past the other first responders to him.

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