Who the Hell is R?

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"No, Will, you don't get it. She doesn't talk to me for what? Almost ten years except maybe, maybe, a call on my birthday. After my dad died it was like she decided to completely cut my sister and me off, and now she just," Olivia paused to suck in a deep breath, Will watching her from his spot in bed.

She'd been reeling over the call for a week at this point but it still made her angrier than it should as she shook her head, scoffing. "Now she just wants to sweep it all under the rug, invite his family to her fucking mansion out in Winnetka and act like everythings fine? It's bullshit." The girl fell back onto the bed, looking up at the ceiling.

Her relationship with her mom wasn't horrible. At least it wasn't when there actually was a relationship. Now though it was like what was once a flourishing civilization was only some sort of ancient ruin that only had remnants of good memories and nostalgia in it.

Will scooted down slightly, leaning over her, "You don't have to go you know," His hand reaching out to hers like a life preserver being thrown into the water when she went overboard. The girl looked up at him as their fingers interlocked, sighing heavily.

"I know," She pursed her lips, "but I'm going to. I mean, I haven't seen any of that family since... god, I was in high school? Maybe even middle school? They thought there was all the time in the world to be around us, so."

There was a pause after she shrugged faintly, more thoughts running in her mind than coming out of her mouth. How much things had changed, how much she'd changed. Things were different now and she was practically a stranger to everyone that would be around.

Olivia shifted up, laying her head on Will's lap, their hands coming to fall over her stomach as his arm went around her. "Then I'll go with you. I mean, I know you already basically told your mom you were bringing someone but," He paused, gazing down at the distressed girl. "I wanna be there with you."

"You know you don't have to though, right?" Olivia looked up at him as his other hand slid through her slightly unruly hair. "You don't have to deal with my dramatic mother and our pretty out of whack family just because we're together and stuff." The girl shook her head slightly, Will's eyebrows pulling together.

He smiled softly, "I want to," The man brought their clasped hands up, kissing the back of her hand. "No place I'd rather be than around you, even if that includes being around your entire family." He let their hands fall back to her stomach, squeezing hers lightly.

She laughed lightly, nodding, "I love you, you know." Olivia muttered, returning it. Will nodded faintly, smile widening as his nose scrunched up.

"Oh do you?"

"I do," Olivia reached up, pulling him down by the back of his neck into a kiss. Will hummed faintly as he leaned down, the hand in her hair tangling into it. Slowly she lifted up, pressing into him.

He sighed as he pulled back, placing quick kisses to her face, "We should go to sleep, work in the morning and all." Olivia pulled away from him to shift onto his lap, arms going over his shoulders.

"Could sleep," She pressed forward, locking lips with him again. " Could ," Olivia whispered, kissing up his jaw. Will's eyebrows lifted.

"Okay I like your idea better."

Will was gone by the time Olivia woke up, the girl frowning as she stretched out, arm falling onto the empty spot in the bed. She hated waking up alone, especially now that she actually was fully happy and content with the person she was sleeping next to. No offense to her ex or anything of course.

Annoyed, she pushed herself up, stretching up and out before getting dressed. Shockingly there were no notifications at all on her phone, not even from Will, or Kev, anybody. There was, though, a note on the outside of her door as she was leaving, her eyebrows pulling together as she pulled it off.

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