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Jay coming into the bullpen should not have made Olivia freak out the way it did. Things should have been fine. Which, technically they were, there was nothing wrong with the fact that Detective Halstead graced the team with his appearance.

There was only a problem in the fact that Olivia had absolutely no clue in how to go about talking to or telling him about her and Will. As far as she could tell from his lack of mentioning it, Will didn't pass the message on but maybe that was just her not noticing.

Who was she kidding, she would have been able to tell. But the way he swept past her, instantly going to Voight's office, Olivia felt her heart race just slightly. Curse you anxiety and the power you held over the girl. She felt her face go warm just thinking about telling him.

How exactly do you tell one of your best friends that you're dating his brother? A soft smile grew on her face as she thought it over. She was dating , Will. She could kiss him, hug him, fuck him whenever she wanted and the thought of that alone made her giddy.

"What the hell are you smiling about over there?" Kevin cut into the girl's thoughts, his eyes on her forcing the grin off of her face. There was really no way to go around what she was thinking but she also didn't feel like just admitting it out loud, not that literally everybody in the room knew about her feelings for the doctor.

Olivia laughed awkwardly, shaking her head, "Nothing, I'll tell you later," She gave him a tight grin, wanting Jay to be the first one that knew outside of her own sister. Which, technically she didn't know if Olivia had even headed her advice or not so technically his brother would still properly be first.

As the younger Halstead brother exited the office, he started explaining a case he caught. Almost like Voight could sense her feelings, his eyes fell onto the girl, watching as she listened to Jay. Well, half listened and half tried again to think over what she could say to him.

Olivia glanced at him, faltering when she saw him already looking at her. He nodded his head slightly in the direction of the man talking which made her drop the eye contact, biting at the inside of her cheek roughly.

Once he had finished with the rundown, Voight peeled himself away from the wall, "Alright. Kim and Adam, go talk to the girl's family. See if they noticed anything weird the last few days. Kev, Hailey," The blonde's name caught most people's attention. "Go to the crime scene. Jay, you and Olivia stay here, run through the pods and cameras in the area. Maybe she got into the car with someone."

Jay went to say something, Voight holding a hand up before he could even do so, "I don't want to hear it. Go." He didn't take any time before going down the hallway and out of their view. Olivia looked over at Kevin, sighing.

"Okay? I get this being a punishment for me being gone for a week but..." She trailed off, glancing at Jay as he leaned onto his fist, eyes glued to the computer screen already even with nothing pulled up yet.

Kevin stood, rounding the desks to pat her shoulder, "I don't know, but have fun with that one," He tried to joke, even though he felt like he shouldn't have, considering Jay looked a little more pissed off than usual.

As soon as the bullpen was empty, Jay sighed heavily. "How the hell did I end up on POD duty? I brought the case in." He tapped his foot with annoyance, Olivia pulling up the camera's on her own computer as she sat silently.

After a few minutes he leaned back in his chair, "And, no offense of course, but why did he partner us up? You're always with Kev." His gaze went over to the girl as she nervously sat back, her chair sliding with her. "Liv?"

"Cause of me," She admitted, fiddling with her fingers as she spoke. There was truly no reason for her to be as nervous as she was. Jay was understanding. Hell he was practically Will's number one cheerleader when it came to the relationship.

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