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The rest of Olivia's reunion had gone really well. Her handsy aunt did manage to get Will under her grasp for a couple moments but it was short lived and after the look Olivia gave her, she didn't even want to give a second glance to the red head.

And she managed to get a few of her cousin's numbers, determined to keep in touch now that they had caught up and gossiped about all the shit they'd gone through. Which had been working. In the past couple months she'd hung out with a few of them, got coffee or lunch, whatever they had the time for.

She was going to today but she had work and was currently wallowing over a flier for the local car shop. Spending almost three months without a car was hell. Getting rides to and from places made her feel like she was back in middle school.

'Kev can you bring me home?' 'Will could you drop me off at the precinct?' It was like asking your mom to pick you up from the mall if your friend's mom dropped you off. Aka, annoying and it was getting on her last nerve.

It didn't help that she couldn't find anything, the way the small booklet went flying across the table was enough evidence of that, "I was gonna ask how the car hunting was going but uh, I think that's a good enough answer." Will commented, stepping around the cat that was sleeping in the middle of her kitchen floor as he went to start a pot of coffee.

Olivia sighed, leaning her head down. "God at this rate I'm never gonna get another car and I'll have to chase criminals via the L." She grumbled before standing. "Or the bus. Whatever. This all sucks. He couldn't have just, slashed my tires? I can afford a few new tires, hell, I honestly think I needed them. But a new car?"

Will watched as she also avoided Pickles, coming to stand next to him. "One that has to actually be good enough to be used on the job? I'll be paying it off until I'm six feet under." Olivia put her head against Will's arm, using him to anchor herself down some.

"You'll figure something out. You know I don't mind bringing you to work, gives us a few extra minutes together." He gave her a soft smile, turning to press a kiss to the top of her head. Yeah sure, it was nice. She did like being able to hold his hand as he brought her to the precinct but still, it didn't top being in control of when she wanted to leave places.

"I need a car for work, Will."

"I know, I'm just saying that until then, I don't mind being Taxi Will." He joked, sipping at his cup of coffee. Olivia chuckled, shifting onto her tippy toes to kiss his cheek. It was appreciated regardless, always happy that Will was so willing to help. Even if it meant choking on her own pride.

Which she often had to. Because she hated, hated, asking for help. "And I love you for that. But I'll do my best to cut your business short." Olivia spoke, Will's arm snaking around her side as he abandoned his mug. "Don't even say you like the business." She warned, facing him.

Will shook his head, "Was actually going to say that I like the payment method." He hummed, leaning to press a kiss to her lips. The girl's face went warm as he shifted to kiss her jaw, almost to her neck before she pushed him away.

"Ah," She tsked, holding a finger up, "we both have work. Keep it in your pants." Olivia flicked her fingers between the two before turning away. "I'm gonna go change," She stepped away, disappearing around the corner seconds later, missing Will muttering to the cat in disappointment.

Once she was dressed, she went back out to him, Will now looking around the place like a mad man. "Hey, hey, what are you looking for?" Olivia cut in, the man lifting both of her couch pillows to look under them.

"My name tag. I swear I had it when I got here last night but I can't find it." He said quickly, tossing a glance at her. Olivia nodded, immediately shifting into help mode as she looked around the table tops and shelves.

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