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Knock .

Knock .

Knock .

Three loud and firm knocks woke Olivia up after she had finally just gotten herself to fall asleep. She was still thinking about last night and the few days before that. Going back to her apartment in her uniform and getting drunk before showering and changing might not have been the best idea but it sure as hell led to the crankiness that would come.

Like being woken up this early. She swung the door open, fully ready to reem the person on the other end. "Wh-" The words instantly dropped off as she looked over Will standing in her doorway, a determined look on his face.

All of the blood immediately drained from her face as she looked up at him, no words coming to mind. "Vi, can we talk?" His hands were stuffed in his pockets and even through the hangover haze she managed to shake her head slightly.

"I have to get ready for work, I'm sorry." Olivia lied through her teeth as she went to close the door, flinching back when Will stuck his hand in the doorway, grabbing her hand just like he'd done the night before. He had some things to say and honestly, it felt like if he didn't right now that he'd explode.

With a sigh, he pushed the door open again, "Please. I feel like I'm suffocating with you ignoring me and I just, it'll be quick." His words sincere and heart probably a bit too on his sleeve, he let out a nervous breath once she nodded, agreeing to him talking.

She stepped aside, letting Will step in after he dropped her hand, closing the door behind him. "Okay, I don't really know where to start so... I'm just gonna be blunt about it, I guess?" Will spoke, clasping his hands together anxiously.

Olivia nodded faintly, trying to keep a level face, "I like you. And I'm talking like... really like you. And, I tried to let it go when you were with Connor. Cause you know, you weren't mine to lose and stuff like that. And it sucked, horribly." He sucked in a deep breath before continuing.

"But then we almost kissed, which was super confusing by the way, I still don't really know what happened there. And then you ignored me. Did everything in your power to avoid me for five months, Olivia. Five ." Olivia's lips tugged down, tears welling up in her eyes as he spoke.

Nothing she was going to say was going to make him or her feel any better and she was just waiting for it to crumble.

Will stepped closer to her, "And then at the hospital, after the explosion, you- you took care of me. You cleaned up my cut and held my face," He got closer to her again, letting his hand move up to her chin, tucking a finger under it the same way she had that day. "Like this and just, helped me."

"And then when Connor was out it was like I disappeared, which I don't blame you for since you guys are, well, you guys." Will dropped his hand, his heart racing in his chest simply from the close proximity, not that Olivia's wasn't pounding like a cartoon character in love at that moment either.

"Then you ignored me. Again. For days. And you broke up with Connor, and I've seen the way you look at me Olivia," Her name caught her off guard, a tear slipping from her eyes.

The girl sniffled, Will's hand coming back up to cup her face, "I've seen it. And you can not convince me that you don't feel anything. So please, I am begging you, please just talk to me. You showed up at my door last night looking like a mess. My door. Why? If you were just going to run away, why?"

It took every molecule in Olivia's body to keep her from leaning into Will's hand, the warmth of his palm curing half of the sadness she felt while adding fire to the flames of the other half. The half that knew what was right.

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