The Contract

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"You're sure you can handle this?" Asked a woman in a black suit and sunglasses. I rolled my eyes and sat up in my chair.

"I've been hunting demons for a while now. I have access to weaponry that can kill them. And unlike you guys, I use guns." I said, looking at the two guards who were on either side of me holding naginata's.

"The weapons from the feudal Japanese period were flawless!" The man next to the woman shouts and I scoff.

"They are useless against demons unless they are made with specific properties, which I have access to. But that's going off-topic." I said, interlacing my fingers in front of me as I leaned forward. "How much will you be paying me for this job?" I asked.

"1 million USD," The woman said.

"Not enough," I replied, shaking my head. "If I'm going after demons, I need to buy materials and other things. 1 million is how much I'll have to invest into this job at the least. How about 10 million?" I suggested.

"No way. Too much" The women replied. "How about 3 million" She suggested, trying to negotiate with me.

"No less than 5 million," I replied, leaning back in my chair. The women paused for a moment before countering.

"How about we pay you 3.5 million for the demon you capture alive, and 1 million for any other demon you bring to us dead, or alive." She countered, grabbing my attention.

"I can settle for that," I said, extending my hand for them to shake, a smirk spreading across my face. The woman shakes it, then puts a piece of paper in front of me and a pen.

"A contract, just to make sure that both ends are held up and to make sure it gets done." the woman said. I take the pen and paper, quickly reading it over.

"Seems fair," I said, signing my signature where it was required. The woman then took the contract back, signing her signature, then passed it to the man, who then signed his signature as a witness to the contract. "If we're all done here? I'd love to get going so I can start working on this." I asked, standing up.

"It seems that we are," said the woman, and I nodded my head, then left the room. As I walked towards the front entrance of the facility, I pulled my hood up over my head and began to think about how I'd start. They showed me the video they captured of the 5 demons that slaughtered their men. I recognized one of them as Stolas, a member of the Goetia family. The other four though, I could not recognize. One of them was a hellhound, like myself, perhaps I could start by trying to track her down.

Once I reached the entrance of the building, I walked through the massive steel doors, then walked over to my motorcycle, got on it, and started the drive home. As I drove home, I decided to take off my disguise to feel the cool air against my fur. It always feels better than my skin, plus nobody would see me since it's pitch black out. After arriving home I park my bike in the garage and then walk inside. I live in a small home in a very rural area. No neighbors for a square mile or so. It allows me a lot of privacy to have my own shooting range so I can practice with firearms without being disturbed. Whenever I'm not on a job or practicing with firearms, I'm at a martial arts gym in my human disguise, learning how humans fight. It surprisingly works well against the demons of hell. I walk through my small house to a specific corner of it, then move a chair out of the way that was covering a hatch. I pull open the hatch and then slide down the ladder, entering my storage area where I keep all my weapons and other valuables. The room is 1000 square feet of reinforced steel, meant to keep a bomb from piercing it.

I sit down at a large desk I have in the room, taking out a copy of the videos of the four demons infiltrating the DHORKS facility. I watched it through a few times, observing how each of the four demons was fighting. They were each very skilled in combat. Two of them used various guns while one of them used a large battleaxe, with the hellhound using her teeth and claws. I turn up the volume to see if there is anything said that can give me a starting point. Near the end, I heard Stolas' voice say "Am I gonna any thank you for the rescue Blitzy?" Stolas said as he walked through a portal back to hell. Blitzy? I thought, a starting point.

I began my search around the human web for someone named Blitz, just to see if he had made any impact on the human world, however, I found nothing. I take a sip of some coffee I had made before I began my research, then switch over to the internet that hell uses. I first started by finding Stolas' Sinsagram account, since I knew he had one, and based on how Stolas and this Blitz talked, they have some sort of relationship, so Stolas would most likely follow him on Sinstagram, if Blitz had one. I use a computer program to search for anyone with the name Blitz in Stolas' list of who he follows. After a few minutes, the program shows that there is no Blitzo on Stolas' following list. I think for a moment, scrolling down through his various posts, one of them catching my eye. This post shows Stolas, the Blitz guy, and the hellhound on her phone in the background. I clicked the image to see if anyone was tagged in it and to my luck, the account name moonlight_howling_666 popped up, and after going to that account, I confirmed that the account belonged to the hellhound. I smirk and begin looking through the various posts on the account to see if I could find any locations that could help me.

I spend the next few hours digging around on Sinsagram to find anything I can, then look to the rest of the internet, eventually stumbling across the IMP business page. So I hire them to kill my human version, forcing them to come find me, this will be too easy. I can kill all four of them, then find Stolas and bring him, collecting a 7.5 million dollar paycheck. I logged off my computer for the night to plan where and how I would fight the four demons and what I would use. 

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