Digging Deep

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I was lying next to Loona, Looking up at the stars. The only sound was the various night bugs making noises, as the soft brushes of our tails swaying between our legs. Loona was the first to speak, asking a question. "Why are you nice to me, Y/N?" Loona asked, keeping her gaze up at the clear sky over our heads. "I mean, I've been mean to you, tried to kill you more than once, snapped at you in anger, and threatened you. I'm also really awkward and most of my peers dislike me. Why do you like me so much?" Loona asked me, her tone soft and quiet, with a hint of sadness in it.

"Because I can see that all of your threats and shitty attitude is a defense mechanism. I can see that you're scared that people won't like the real you and will reject you. So you threaten them or act like you don't care, however, that's exactly what it is, an act. I know that you care about what others think about you and I know that you want to be accepted by people and you want to have friends," I replied. Loona was quiet for a moment. Long enough that I looked over at her to make sure she was still okay. She was okay, I could see that there were tears in the sides of her eyes. I knew I had hit something deep with what I said. "I like you because I have seen glimpses of the real Loona, in the time we have spent together. Your mask is a well-crafted one, but no mask is flawless. Every now and then, the Loona that you are ashamed of letting out pokes through. I like you because the Loona that is behind that mask is a caring, kind hellhound. I know that whether you want to admit it or not, you care about Blitzø, Moxxie, Millie, and myself more than you let on," I finished, looking back over at Loona. She's still looking up at the stars. A few tears have started to fall from her eyes.

"Fuck you," she said, her voice cracking a little as she said it. She then turned to face away from me, so I couldn't see the tears falling from her eyes. I could hear her tail lightly hitting against my roof, telling me that she did feel genuinely cared for in that moment.

"What makes me curious, is why are you so scared of rejection? Sure, no one wants to be rejected by their peers, but not everyone keeps everyone around them at arm's length and wears a metaphorical mask to protect themselves." I ask, looking at Loona once again, making sure she's still there and relatively okay. Her back is still turned to me. A few moments of silence go on, before she breaks it, answering my question.

"I... I don't want to talk about it." Loona responded, still keeping her back facing.

"How come?" I asked.

"Because..." Loona started but trailed off.

"Because why?" I asked, pushing a little further.

"Just because" Loona responded again.

"Because isn't a proper response," I said in a joking manner, trying to bring a little humor to Loona, however, it backfired on me.

"Because there's a lot about me you don't know and if you did you wouldn't like me or look at me the same!!" Loona shouted. "You don't know any of what I've gone through or had to do. If you did, you wouldn't be here talking to me." Loona said, her voice at a normal volume now.

"Ok Loona. I'll drop it." I said.

"Th-thank you," Loona said, her voice cracking. Once again silence between Loona and I returned. After a little bit, I hear Loona shuffle again and look over to see that she's lying on her back, looking up towards the sky again. This time, I break the silence.

"Loona?" I ask, looking over at her. She hums in response, not looking at me. "The dress you chose to wear tonight looks really pretty on you," I said, smiling at her. She continues looking at the sky, but I can see a light blush starting to form on her cheeks. Her tail wags once again between her legs.

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