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Felicity didn't sleep at all that Friday night.

She tossed and turned all throughout the night, worrying about how her first day was going to go. Was she going to mess it up within the first few minutes? Was he going to fire her right then and there?

But the sun still didn't rise slow enough, and it was Saturday morning before she knew it.

Felicity could feel her legs shaking under her as she pushed the glass doors of Belmonte Publishings open. She walked inside and smiled at the man standing behind the front desk as she turned right to get to the elevator.

It was 7:45 AM on the dot. Felicity had arrived early.

The music in the elevator only caused her to feel more anxious as the moving box stopped multiple times on the way up to let other people on and off. She was tired of hearing the same song that every elevator in every building was notorious for playing. Every second of it sounded the exact same to her.

When Felicity finally reached the highest floor of the building, she stepped off the elevator and approached the familiar, blonde receptionist.

"You're back," Christine said with shock evident in her voice.

Felicity nodded her head and responded politely, "I am. It's good to see you again." She could not afford to give Mr. Belmonte any reason to believe that hiring her was a mistake.

"You too," Christine replied slowly. Felicity smiled before making her way over to her new boss' office. Once she was standing in front of his door, she took a deep breath then knocked.

"Come in," he shouted from inside the room. Felicity turned the doorknob and stepped inside. As she did, Mr. Belmonte turned his body to face her.

He was standing behind his desk as his eyes scanned over the pile of papers in his hands. He was wearing reading glasses, and Felicity couldn't help but stare at him. He looked so different in them.

"You're on time," he stated without looking up.

"Yes, si—Mr. Belmonte," she replied, quick to correct herself.

He glanced up at Felicity, causing her body to tense up as he observed her. There was no question that the man made her undeniably nervous. Though he had briefly shown her his kinder side, she knew that he still meant one hundred and ten percent business.

His eyes scanned her attire up and down, and she began to fear that she was about to receive her first strike. She was wearing a loose-fitted, solid black dress with a white collar that she had thrift flipped. But unexpectedly, he said, "Good, you are dressed appropriately."

Felicity felt her cheeks heat up, and she began to feel guilty for always expecting the worst out of him. It was no secret that he was a moody guy though.

"I'm glad," she said softly, "I forgot to ask you what the dress code was, so I took a guess based on what I saw everyone else wearing."

He spoke again without looking up at her, "Anything black is fine. Hints of white is okay too. Nothing too casual though. If you wear pants, they must be dress pants."

Felicity nodded her head even though she knew he wasn't looking.

"Luckily, black's all I ever wear anyway," she spoke quietly towards the ground. He made a quick sound of amusement, and she could feel her heartbeat quicken. She didn't think she'd ever hear him laugh, and she certainly never expected that she'd be the reason for hearing his laughter either.

After another moment of silence, he finally spoke, "So, I'm going to have one of my other employees, Jenn, give you an in-depth tour of the building today. That should take a couple hours, then I'll give you your first assignment."

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