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Would you like to go to lunch with me today?

The question replayed over and over in Felicity's head. Christine was the last person she ever expected to find herself sitting across from in a restaurant for lunch, or any meal for that matter. As nice as Christine was to her, Felicity always assumed the two of them were only friends at work. But now it seemed like Christine felt differently, which she was happy about.

Because Felicity needed friends.

As much as Felicity liked Christine though, she felt uneasy being alone with her outside of Belmonte Publishings. She didn't know how to act, or what to talk to her about. She didn't know if Christine genuinely wanted to spend time with her, or if she just felt bad for her. She really wasn't sure what to think.

Because Felicity wasn't used to friends.

Felicity had spent her entire life wishing to have real relationships with real people, and more specifically, real friendships. But now that she was face to face with someone who could potentially be her friend, she felt vulnerable and uneasy.

"I'm glad we got the chance to go out today," Christine smiled after setting her menu down on the table, "I would've invited you out sooner, but I wanted to give you time to settle in at BP first since I know Mateo can be really tough on new employees when they start off."

"He can, and he was," Felicity chuckled, "But thanks for asking me to lunch. It's nice to get out of the office during my break time."

Christine smiled warmly at Felicity before their waiter made his way over to the table.

"Did we decide on some food?" he asked.

"I'll take the salmon salad with the vinaigrette," Christine said smoothly as she returned the menu to the server, "And may I also have a couple lemon slices for my water?"

The waiter nodded his head as Felicity stared back down with warm cheeks at her own menu, quickly deciding that she should scratch the mac and cheese or chicken tenders for something a little more sophisticated.

"Can I have the club sandwich with a cup of today's soup?"

"Of course," the waiter said politely as he took Felicity's menu, then walked away.

Felicity released the breath of air she had been holding in once he was out of range, "Making decisions on food is so stressful."

Christine laughed before looking Felicity in the eye, "I've got to be honest with you, Felicity. I was skeptical of you at first because you're so young, but you're not bad. You're not bad at all. I'm really glad you came to lunch with me today, and I'm really glad you started working at Belmonte Publishings. You've definitely made an impact there."

Felicity smiled gratefully, unsure of what to say in response to the massive compliment she just received. But before she could answer, Christine spoke again.

"Would you excuse me? I'm going to go use the ladies room," she said as she stood up from their booth. Felicity watched as Christine left, then sat quietly at their table. A few minutes passed, and Felicity turned her head after hearing a loud whistle.

As Christine walked back over towards Felicity, a group of rowdy, drunk men sitting at a table near the restrooms stared her down while one of them catcalled her from the booth.

"Hey, baby, wanna take a seat over here instead?" he shouted while using his index finger to point at his crotch.

Christine looked over her shoulder before whipping her body around gracefully, propping a hand on her hip with sass. She looked the man up and down in disgust before rolling her eyes, "I would sooner gouge my own eyes out with a rusty fork, and get run over by a garbage truck fifty times repeatedly before risking any kind of contagious disease from getting within a few feet of a mutant as vile as you."

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