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**A/N: This epilogue is about to be long as fuck & jumping all over the place, so bear with me. It is the one chapter within this version of BC that is almost entirely rewritten & brand new, but I'm far more satisfied with this ending than the original.


Hope you all enjoy the final chapter of Business Calls. I'll see you at the end. :)

Nearly a full year had passed since Felicity Hayes left Belmonte Publishings.

Life had done a complete 180° for Felicity, and she was living a life she never even dreamed of having. The now 19 year-old was concluding her first semester of college at Parsons in New York, where she was studying both Fashion Design and English.

She was currently sitting on the floor of her friends' apartment, surrounded by the group of girls who lived there—Vanessa, Sophie, Charlotte, and Gwendolyn. Felicity now lived on her own in a tiny, shoebox apartment, but spent much of her days at her friends' retro/bohemian-styled place—though it was occupied by far more plants than people.

The four girls had already been friends for quite some time, but happily welcomed Felicity into their group after meeting in Fashion class early on in the semester. Since then, the five had grown extremely close. It was the first time in Felicity's life that she felt like part of a collective, and having her girls by her side always empowered her.

"Ugh," Gwendolyn groaned as she spread out on their emerald green couch, "Are we almost done for the day?"

"Gwen, we literally just took a twenty minute break," Sophie said with an eye roll.

"Yeah, but English is the worst," Gwen replied.

"Uh oh, don't say that around Felicity," Charlotte teased, causing Felicity to chuckle.

"You say that about every subject," Vanessa added while eyeing her freshly painted fingernails.

"Shut up, you're the exact same way," Gwen retorted.

"True," Vanessa said simply before blowing on the drying polish.

"Ladies, can we please get back to work? We have a lot to get done before the semester ends," Sophie said with stress evident in her voice as she fumbled with the glasses sitting on her face.

"Girl, you need to relax," Charlotte said before standing up, "I'm going to make you some camomile tea before you pop a blood vessel from how tense you are."

Sophie released a deep breath, then tossed her binder onto the carpet in front of her, "I know, you're right. Thanks, Char."

"Yeah, stress is bad for your skin," Vanessa said flatly as she swung her legs over the armrest of the leather chair she was sitting on.

"Since we're taking another break," Charlotte spoke as she started to boil some water, "Have any of you talked to anyone cute lately?"

"We're only stopping for another 5 minutes," Sophie stated firmly before slumping her shoulders down with a frown, "But no. New York is literally full of hot people, so I don't know why it's so rare to meet any of them. Where are they all hiding?"

The girls went around, rapidly chattering back and forth about their dry dating lives—outside of Vanessa, who almost always had a guy lined up to take her out. After a while, they all turned to look at Felicity, who hadn't yet said anything.

"Who you texting, Felicity?" Sophie smirked, causing Felicity to look up from her phone quickly.

"Yeah, someone's been real quiet over there today," Gwen said, still laying on the couch.

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