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About two weeks had passed since Felicity's change in home environment, but she still woke up confused whenever her vision focused in on her new surroundings. Her aunt and uncle were currently renting out an airbnb, located just a few miles from the apartment. Felicity had greatly enjoyed staying with her relatives thus far, and wished that they could always be around.

It certainly felt odd for her to go out and do "family things" with them though, such as eating dinner at a restaurant or having a game night, but she absolutely loved it. Most people her age were out partying and taking trips with their friends, but Felicity was experiencing some of the most basic benefits of being part of a close-knit family for the first time ever. And she was thoroughly enjoying it, so she was more than happy to stay in.

But although things were going extremely well with her aunt and uncle, there were still a couple of things really bothering her. One of those things in particular was especially bugging her.

And it just so happened to involve a certain man whom she worked for at a certain publishing company.

Because she wasn't so sure how much longer she'd be working for him.

"Felicity!" two excited voices called out, taking her out of her circling thoughts. The dark-haired girl flipped her body around in the bed, and grinned from ear to ear when her eyes zoomed in on a colorful cake and bouquet of celebratory balloons.

"Surprise!" Aunt Silvia shouted.

"Oh my goodness, you didn't have to do all this for me," Felicity said while sitting up, placing both of her hands on her face in awe.

"Of course we did!" Aunt Silvia exclaimed as she held out the decorative cake in front of her niece's face, "You only graduate from high school once, after all!"

Today was indeed the day of Felicity's official graduation commencement ceremony. Felicity giggled and clapped in delight as her aunt and uncle suddenly threw fistfuls of confetti into the air, causing it to sprinkle over the graduate like rain.

"What flavor is the cake?" she asked while eyeing the dessert hungrily.

"It's just vanilla. Do you like vanilla?" Aunt Silvia asked quickly.

Felicity grinned, "I love vanilla."

As the three happily ate vanilla cake for breakfast, Felicity straightened up in her chair, "Can I ask you guys something?"

"Of course," they both answered in unison.

"What do you think is going to happen once my mom is out of rehab?"

Aunt Silvia wiped her mouth with her napkin, "To be completely honest, we don't really know what the plan is yet. It all kind of depends on the progress your mother is making. But you are more than welcome to come with us wherever we go."

Felicity smiled gratefully at them, then nodded her head in understanding. There was, however, a slight hint of disappointment evident on her face. It appeared to both her aunt and her uncle that she wanted to stay put, but they couldn't quite grasp why. The girl had survived unbearable tragedy after unbearable tragedy here. Why on earth would she want to stay?

The answer was obvious to Felicity, though she didn't want to admit it. The truth was, she just really wanted to continue working for Mr. Belmonte and his publishing company.

Well, she did mainly just want to keep working for him, but no one else needed to know that.

She knew it was stupid of her to feel so drawn to her boss, but she just couldn't help it. Over time, they had gotten to know each other fairly well, and part of her was beginning to grow attached. It kind of seemed like he felt something towards her too, but perhaps that was just wishful thinking on her end.

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