Bonus Content + Q&A

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Thanks for reading Business Calls to the end!

In honor of completing the rewrite of this story (something I never thought I'd get around to), I thought it would be fun to provide some additional Felicty/Mateo moments, as well as open up a little Q&A for any remaining questions you might have regarding the characters, lore, storyline, etc.

Comment some questions, then I'll add them to this chapter and answer them!



"And what would the birthday girl like to drink tonight?" the bartender asked Felicity.

It was Felicity's 21st birthday, and she was about to try alcohol for the first time ever. Mateo had taken her to some exclusive night bar in the city, and they were sitting together at the counter.

Felicity looked over at Mateo, who turned to the bartender, "Just make her something sweet—like a fruity cocktail with vodka or rum. She likes blueberries and pineapple."

The bartender nodded cheerfully then looked back at Felicity, "I have a drink in mind that I think you'll like."

Felicity thanked him excitedly, then he turned to start making the drink. It was finished in no time, and Felicity anxiously took a sip.

"Thoughts? Feelings? Love it? Hate it?" he asked.

"Woah, this is fucking good," Felicity grinned, "You nailed it." Her and the bartender fist bumped each other, and he told her to enjoy before walking away to serve another guest.

"Wanna taste it?" Felicity asked, sliding the colorful drink in front of Mateo.

He took a tiny sip before smiling at her, "It's sweet, just like you."

Felicity gave him a playful nudge, and he placed his arm on the backrest of her chair.

"I think I like drinking," Felicity giggled as she practically chugged the cocktail. It appeared to Mateo that she was already feeling the buzz, and he watched her with amusement.

"Do you promise you'll tell me if I start acting mother," Felicity whispered in a semi-joking manner.

Mateo was slightly taken aback by her suddenly dark sense of humor, but he placed a hand over hers and smiled, "I am not worried about that happening, but I will always look out for you."

After two more small drinks, Felicity was fairly drunk. Mateo couldn't stop laughing at the unhinged version of his girlfriend that was coming out as they sat at the bar. He had her eat something before they left, then he called a cab home for them.

While they waited by the curb, Felicity tugged repeatedly on Mateo's jacket sleeve, motioning him to lower his head towards her. Once he complied, she whispered in his ear, "You are the hottest man I have ever fucking seen in my entire life. If I wasn't so...spinning around...I'd be on my knees for you right now."

Mateo's eyes widened at the young woman's words, and he felt a jitter in his lower region. There was no way he was doing anything sexual with her until she was sober, but he figured he could at least enjoy her liquid-courage fueled, dirty talk.

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