★ | 003. the snowball queen

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Book: Strong, Until Dawn
Chapter 3: The Snowball Queen
Word Count: 1093

Scott closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, the cold air filling his nostrils

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Scott closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, the cold air filling his nostrils. Jessica lifted her head from his shoulder with a sigh. "What's taking Mike so long? We've been out here for hours." She said dramatically.

Scott laughed. "It's only been twenty minutes since Sam and Chris left."

She shook her head. "Well it 'feels' like hours. Wish he would hurry up."

"He'll be here eventually."

"I'm excited to see him." Jessica looked at him with a wide smile. "This weekend is going to be amazing. Just me, you and him alone in this romantic setting."

His thoughts went wild with images of the upcoming weekend, ranging from sitting in front of the fireplace with the two to when they would be alone with a big bed. The last thought made him smirk. That smirk instantly dropped when he remembered why they were here in the first place. To help Josh deal with the grief of losing his sisters.

"Are you okay?" She asked softly when she noticed his expression drop.

He nodded his head, plastering on a fake smile. "Yeah, of course baby."

She didn't have time to respond to him when a snowball smashed against the wall next to her. "Oh, you did not just do that." She said to Mike who had finally arrived.

Scott looked towards his other lover, who was looking at them with a handsome smile and approaching them. "Put your hands where I can see 'em. We've got you surrounded." He said in a Texan accent before bending down and picking up another snowball.

Jessica stood up, leaving Scott's side. She put her hands up and walked towards Mike. "But who am I to retaliate? What choice do I, a supple young rebel girl have, but to surrender to the strapping military guard come to take me into custody?" She grabbed her own snow ball and quickly hid it behind her back.

"I - well, I dunno, when you put it like that - hey!" Jessica took off running to a bench tree, throwing her snowball in his face before hiding. "You're gonna pay, you know that?" She picked up another snowball. "Where are you hiding, little chick-a-dee?" He looked towards Scott. "You gonna join the fun baby?"

Scott put his hands in his jacket pocket and leaned back in his chair. "I'll let you two enjoy yourselves."

Mike hummed and picked up a snowball, aiming it towards Scott. "Nope, I don't think so." He threw the snowball.

"Mike!" Scott exclaimed, quickly ducking out the way before it hit him in the face. "You know I play baseball, I'll kick your ass in this."

"Bring it on." Mike waved his hands.

Scott couldn't help but grin and stood up, moving towards a snow pile and making his ball. Mike had gotten distracted with Jessica so he didn't notice Scott taking perfect aim. "Hey Mike!" As Mike turned to face him, he sent the ball flying and it hit him right in the face. "Oh! Bull's - eye!" He cheered.

"No, you got me... fair enough." Mike laughed.

Scott clapped his hands before leaning against the post. He watched Mike and Jess throw a couple more snowballs before Mike pushed her to the ground and hovered over her. "Gotcha. It's done. Done city."

"So did I go down?" She asked with a seductive smile.

"Uh, I don't think so."

She hummed. "I think you'd know so if I did."

"Alright, alright."

"My, my, so are we calling it my favour, then?"

"You're a worthy opponent, Miss. Jessica the Snowball Queen."

Scott bit his lip as he listened. "Okay that sounds vaguely dirty." He said.

Mike smirked at him, connecting their eyes before he leaned down and connected his lips with Jess's in a passionate kiss.

When they pulled back her cheeks were flushed from the looks she was getting from both Mike and Scott. "Wow. Save some for later, buddy."

"Endless reserves. We should get up to the lodge."

"Yeah." She said disappointed. "It's so nice out here though... pretty breath taking."

"It'll be just as breath taking there." Scott said, trying to cheer her up. He held out his hand and helped the both of them up.

As Mike stood up he instantly put his hands on Scott's hips and pulled him closer, kissing him a bit more rougher then he did with Jessica. Scott took in a sharp breath, his eyes closing as he felt the familiar lips.

"Mmm, missed you." Mike hummed.

"Missed you." Scott repeated him.

"I could stay out here for pretty much... ever. Provided I was making out with you two the whole time." Mike said, placing another peck into Scott's lips.

"Just making out?" She flirted, glancing between the two of them.

Scott laughed as Mike said, "quote, unquote."

"Well I think we might freeze to death somewhere in between those quotes."


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It didn't take too much longer before they got to the lodge. Scott could already hear chatter coming from inside so he assumed they were the last ones to arrive.

"Wait." Mike stopped both him and Jessica before they could walk in. "I have to tell you something first."

"What?" Scott questioned.

"Emily found me earlier and we talked... I kind of told her our situation." He explained. Scott's eyes widened.

"How much of our situation exactly?" Jessica asked.

"...All of it." Mike rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

Scott sighed. "She's going to be such a bitch about it." It was her reaction he was least looking forward to. He knew about the late night phone calls she tried to give to Mike. Mike had told him all about it so he knew Emily wanted him back even though he had found out she was now with Matt.

"It doesn't matter." Jessica said confidently. "She was going to find out eventually. Better to get it over and done with. I'm not keeping my hands off either of you so the rest will find out as well."

Mike looked relieved that they weren't mad at him. "Screw what any of them think, yeah?"

"I don't care." Jessica shrugged. "Do you?" She asked Scott.

He once again shoved his hands into his pockets. "Could care less."

"Great!" Jessica clapped her hands together before grabbing Mike's right hand and Scott's left. "Let's do this."

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Authors Note: See below!

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