★ | 008. taken in the night

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Book: Strong, Until Dawn
Chapter 8: Taken In The Night
Word Count: 2112

Book: Strong, Until DawnChapter 8: Taken In The NightWord Count: 2112

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The cabin still seemed to be pretty far. Scott was pretty fit himself but even he was running out of breath and his nose had gone numb a while ago. He was so going to kick Josh's ass when he saw him again.

"What is that?" Jess questioned, seeing something in the distance.

Scott squinted his eyes but couldn't see anything through the darkness.

"Not sure I wanna know." Mike said but kept walking anyway.

As they got closer Scott made out what it was. A deer. It was lying down with its neck completely slashed, its face covered in blood. It tried to lift its head to look at them but whined in pain. "Poor thing." Scott said.

"It's horrible." Jess said sadly.

"I don't think it's gonna make it." Mike stepped towards it, holding out his hand. "Hey bud..."

"What are you going to do?" Scott questioned.

Mike didn't answer his question and put his hand on its head, patting it softly. "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay."

"Mike, it's in so much pain." Jess said.

It's eyes slowly opened and closed as Mike pat its snout. "It'll be over soon... okay buddy? It'll be over soon."

Something grabbed onto the deer and pulled it away in the blink of an eye. Mike, Scott and Jess screamed in fear. "Run! Run!" They all took off down the path.

"Oh my god, what the hell was that?!" Jess screamed.

"I don't know!"

"There's a bridge! Over here! Over here!"

They jumped over the small gap.

"It's a bear, it's gotta be a bear!" They came to two ways to go and Mike made the decision. He began climbing the rocky wall, Scott followed and helped Jess up behind him. The cabin was in view now.

Thank God, was all Scott could think. He huffed and panted.

They got to the porch and as Mike and Scott made it to the front door Jess tripped over.

"Get it open!" Scott yelled to Mike before going back to Jess and helping her up. "Come on, we gotta go!"

"I am!"

Mike shoved the key in. As soon as it was unlocked and open they all ran in and Mike slammed it shut it behind him.

"Holy crap." Scott put his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

"Oh my god! That was close!" Jess breathed rapidly.

"Nah... I had it under control." Mike cleared his throat. "Whole time."

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