★ | 009. sanatorium

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Book: Strong, Until Dawn
Chapter 9: Sanatorium
Word Count: 2970

Book: Strong, Until DawnChapter 9: Sanatorium Word Count: 2970

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"Oh, fuck!" Mike yelled. Scott had to push himself out of the state of shock from what he just witnessed. How the fuck did that just happen?! "Snap out of it, Scott!"

Scott shook his head, watching as Mike grabbed the gun from the wall, clearly planning on going after Jess. Even though there was a fear in him, Scott pushed it to the side and grabbed the lamp.

He and Mike rushed out the front door. They needed to save Jess from who had just stolen her.

"Oh fuck. What the fuck. Jessica!" Mike stopped, looking down at broken glass from the window on the floor. "Oh my god! Jess!"

Scott stayed silent, letting Mike do all the yelling. He had lost his voice.

They ran forward the snow, trying to follow the tracks. There were two paths that could be taken, one was more riskier then the other but faster.

"W - We gotta go the faster way." Scott stuttered out.

Mike nodded in determination before jumping onto the pipe that was over rushing water. Scott did the same, balencing himself as he jumped to the second pipe before making it to the other side.

"Jessica!" They came to a cliff edge and Mike bent down, through the scope of the gun. "Jesus, fuck! Fuck!"

"Do you see her?!" Scott exclaimed.

Mike didn't answer him, keeping his eyes on Jessica who was trying to crawl away from whatever had grabbed her but her ankle was grabbed before she could and she was dragged away. "No! Help me! Help me! Help me!" She screamed.

Scott took a step forward. "Jess!" She was dragged to a point Mike couldn't see anymore so he stood back up. "What did you see?"

"Someone still had a hold of her but I didn't see who it was." Mike looked down. "We need to jump."

The cliff was steep but if they concentrated, they could slide down without getting hurt.

Scott nodded his head. This was for Jess. They needed to take a few risks. He took in a deep breath before they jumped down, his back sliding against the snow and rocks. A tree branch came up and they grabbed it, stopping themselves from slamming into the ground.

Scott jumped down, picking up the lamp he had dropped, thankfully it was still working. They took off running again, ducking under logs and jumping over others. Scott didn't consider himself as fit as Mike but surprisingly he was keeping up with him easily.

They jumped between rocks, a deep hole underneath where if they fell they would die but nothing was stopping them.

They slid down another steep cliff edge. Scott's whole body was shaking. An area that lead into the mines stared at them and as they stopped to look around they heard Jessica's screams. "Fuck!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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