★ | 004. fight in the lodge

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Book: Strong, Until Dawn
Chapter 4: Fight In The Lodge
Word Count: 989

Book: Strong, Until DawnChapter 4: Fight In The LodgeWord Count: 989

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Scott walked into the lodge. He had been right before. Everyone was there. The only person he couldn't see was Emily, which he was grateful for.

"What's up party people!" Mike cheered, bringing everyone's attention to them. Their eyes moved between the three of them, eyes sticking to their connected hands.

"So that's what they meant?" Chris whispered to Sam. The blonde nodded her head in surprise. This hadn't been what she had been expecting.

"Wait... you're like all together?" Ashley questioned with raised eyebrows.

Jessica smiled confidently. "Yep! Do you have a problem with that?" She questioned with a slight glare.

Ashley raised her hands. "Nope. N - no problem. Just wondering."

Josh greeted them, not caring about the new revelation of them all being together. He had other things on his mind. "Make yourself at home, bro." He said to Mike.

"Will do." Mike pointed at him.

His words seemed to set Matt off who looked at him with a harsh glare. "Yeah. Come on in. Take a load off. Have whatever you want. You just take whatever you want anyways, right?" Matt snapped and moved closer to him.

Scott raised his eyebrows. "What's your problem?"

"Woah, easy there, cowboy." Mike held up his hands in confusion.

"Mike, stay away from my girlfriend." Matt warned him.

Mike stepped in front of Jessica and Scott. "Dude - what are you talking about?"

"Stay away from Emily." Matt repeated himself.

"Emily? I'm with Jessica and Scott now. Why would I want anything to do with Emily?" Mike raised his own voice.

Jessica put her hand on his back while Scott glared at Matt. "Are you really going to start something right now?" He snapped. They had just gotten here and Matt was the last person he thought he had to worry about having a go at them.

"Right... right." Matt looked down. "Sorry."

"Something going on with you, man?" Mike questioned.

Matt started to back away from him. "Forget it. I lost my head. Been a long day."

"Yeah, well... try not to lose it again." Mike grabbed onto Jessica and Scott and lead them both to the couch where they sat down. He linked his hand with Scott's while he put his other arm over Jessica's shoulder. She snuggled into his side.

Scott didn't have time to relax before Emily entered the room, her eyes zeroed in on them. "Oh crap, here we go." He groaned and threw his head back to rest on the couch.

"Oh. My god. That is so gross." She crossed her arms. "You weren't happy with one so you had to have two? Didn't think you'd stoop that low, Jess."

"Em..." Matt tried to stop her but she didn't listen.

"Seriously what is wrong with her?" Emily continued. "Are you really that much of a whore?"

"Excuse me? Did you say something?" Jessica stood up with a glare.

Scott lifted his head, him and Mike sharing a glance. This was not going to be good. He saw Jessica's whole body tense and there was a fire in her eyes. He was ready to step in if Emily decided to take it too far but other then that he knew Jessica could take care of herself. One of the things he loved about her.

"Oh did you not hear me? Was your sluttiness too loud?"

"Sounds like someone's bitter she was dumped and I have not only one but two guys who would do anything for me." Jessica sent a smirk to Mike and Scott.

Emily scoffed. "Yeah. It's all a big cattle call with those dreamboats. Congrats, you're top cow."

Jessica was slowly getting closer to her. "Cuts real deep calling Miss Homecoming a cow."

"Em, come on - " Matt tried to help again.

She held out her hand. "Shut up, Matt!"

"Stay out of it, you dumb oaf!" Jessica snapped and Scott snorted.

"Hey, watch it." Emily shouted at her. "And you shut the fuck up!" She pointed at Scott.

"Hey, don't you talk to him!" Jessica snapped at her. "Besides, all you do is put Matt down. What? Are you the only one who can do it? No one else can play with your toys?"

"You're such a bitch!" Emily screeched.

"Whatever." Jessica turned back to her boyfriends. "I don't give a crap what you think."

"At least I can think, 4.0. bitch, honour roll. Suck on that when you're trying to sleep your way into a job."

"Who needs grades when you've got all the natural advantages you can handle." Jessica gestured down to her body. Scott wolf whistled, making Jessica have to hold back a giggle.

"Oh please." Emily rolled her eyes.

"You couldn't buy a mouldy loaf of bread with your skanky ass."

Emily laughed. "Are you serious? Do you think that's insulting?"

"That bitch is on crack or something." Jessica said to Mike and Scott.

"Emily! Stop!" Matt tried again. "This is out of hand. There's no reason to fight like this."

"Yeah, Em! Why you pickin' fights over your ex boyfriend and Scott? Huh?" Jessica questioned harshly.

"Stop it!" Josh shouted. "This is not why we came up here. This is not... helping. It's not what I wanted. If we can't get along for ten minutes then maybe we need a little bit of a break, right? Mike, Scott - why don't you check out the guest cabin. The one I told you about."

"Yeah." Mike stood from the couch. He held out his hand for Jessica. "Want to go do that?"

"Any place without that whore." She spat out at Emily before grabbing Mike's hand. Scott stood up and followed after them, feeling Emily's glare on them the whole time.

"It's right up the trail." Josh said.

★ ★ ★

Authors Note: See below!

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