★ | 006. hug a bear

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Book: Strong, Until Dawn
Chapter 6: Hug A Bear
Word Count: 1705

Book: Strong, Until DawnChapter 6: Hug A BearWord Count: 1705

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A large rock wall blocked them from moving any further. "Ah, damn. I don't think we can get up to the cabin with the path blocked like this."

Scott threw his head back. "Don't tell me we have to turn back now." They have to walk so far back.

Jess turned to him. "Oh no way am I going back to the lodge a.k.a. wax museum to drink hot chocolate with Emily. You know what? Fuck it. We're adventurous. We'll find another way around."

"And this is why I love you." Scott said. His words made her cheeks flush. She loved it when he said he loved her. Instead of taking the path they were supposed to, the three went into a cave.

There was a wooden railing on the inside and Jess leaned on it to get a look down. The wood gave way under her weight and she fell to the ground.

Scott instantly ran over to make sure she was okay. "Jess!" He yelled, looking where she had fallen. Mike stood next to him.

"Yep! Hey! I'm okay!" She called back. The drop hadn't been that serious so she wasn't hurt. She stood up and dusted her clothes off.

"Holy crap, you scared the heck out of me." Mike put his hand on his chest.

"How do you think I felt?" Jess said.

Scott leaned down to try and get a better look at her. "You didn't hit your head or anything?"

"As far as I can tell I still have all seven of my limbs!"

"Seven..." Scott trailed off before realising what she meant and snorted. "Oh."

Mike laughed lightly. "Yeah. Can you get out?"

She walked to the wall. "Uh, I don't know. I can hardly see anything down here."

"Alright, comin' after ya, just stay put!" He turned to Scott. "Wait up here? It's safer."

Scott shook his head. "What? No. Once you're down neither you or Jess will be able to get back up so I have to go down anyway."

"I just don't want you to get hurt."

"I won't. It's fine." Scott waved him off. He was the first one to jump down so it would shut Mike up. Mike followed after him. He walked over to Jess and put his hand on her cheek. "Sure you're alright?"

She nodded her head, liking the feel of his hand on her cheek. "Promise." He dropped his hand and looked around the dark and dusty space. They seemed to be in a mine with a cart on tracks in front of them. This seemed to be the hardest cabin of all time to get to. "Hey handsome," she called to Mike, "wanna help us move this cart thing?"

"Alright." Mike and Scott got behind it and moved it forward, both letting out grunts from how tough it was. "When I imagined us grunting together this is not what I pictured." He said.

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