★ | 005. sex - iled

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Book: Strong, Until Dawn
Chapter 5: Sex - iled
Word Count: 1255

Book: Strong, Until DawnChapter 5: Sex - iledWord Count: 1255

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Scott found himself back outside in the cold air. He huffed and pulled his jacket closer to him to try and warm himself up. He wasn't even inside long enough for the fire to be started.

Mike walked up behind him and rubbed his arms, seeing he was cold. "Exiled." He said with a loud breath.

"Sex-iled." Jessica replied with a smirk.

Scott chuckled and leaned his head back to rest on Mike's shoulder. "Sounds good to me."

"Be even better once we're alone." Mike whispered into his ear, squeezing his arms. It brought a smirk to Scott's face.

Jessica leaned over the railing with a small shiver. "How far is this cabin anyway?"

Mike turned his head to her. "This cabin is the coziest, most romantic, love den you will ever lay your eye upon."

"If we ever make it." She teased.

"Oh, I have a feeling luck's on our side."

The two boys followed after her as they moved towards the steps. "Play your cards right and maybe you will get lucky." She looked between them with a seductive look.

Josh opened the door and swung his head out. "Hey! Porn stars! You're gonna need these." He threw over the cabin keys and Jess caught them.

"Porn stars?" She questioned.

"I'd pay to see it." Josh replied.

"I'm sure you would perv." Scott chuckled.

"Ugh, gross." Jess said.

He walked over to them. "Sorry to kick you out like that."

"No worries man." Mike sent him a smile.

"Probably have a better time up there anyway." Scott said.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll find someway to entertain yourselves." Josh said with a suggestive smile.

Jessica hummed. "You have fun with the peanut gallery."

Josh made a motion like he was shooting himself in the head. "Oh! Almost forgot. Gotta fire up the generator so you can see where you're going. It's dark out there."

"Alright. Roger that." Mike said.

Josh went back inside. Jessica turned to Mike with a smirk. "I think Josh was flirting with me."

Scott raised his eyebrow. "He better not have been."

"Mmkay. You want to invite him up with us?" Mike questioned.

"Wait... really?" She replied with excitement.

"What?! No." Mike denied her. He was okay being with Scott because he loved him. Didn't mean he wanted Josh to join as well. He looked at Scott. "You don't want him to, right?"

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