Chapter 3

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PewDie’s P.O.V

I sat, completely frozen in my chair as I watched the tall masked man scurry around the room, trying to find a seat. There was something about him... I couldn’t put my finger on it.

“Right people, it’s time for the moment you’ve all been waiting for,” Paul announced dramatically and pulled a sheet of paper from the breast pocket of his lab coat. Ken nudged me and nodded towards Cry who was shifting in his seat across the room from us.

“What do you think the deal is with him?” he asked. I narrowed my eyes, taking in Cry’s lanky body, his mop of brunette hair and the mask which hid him away from us all.

“I don’t know,” I whispered.

“And the mask?”

“Maybe it’s his thing?” I guessed. Ken nodded slowly, mulling over the idea.

“I think it’s pretty cool,” he chuckled then looked back to Paul who was calling to us, telling us to listen. Ken and I shared one last mischievous grin. I felt like I was in school again, getting told off for not paying attention in class.

“It’s time to meet your team-mates! On this sheet are the names of those you’ll be working with for the duration of the competition. These are the people you’ll have to trust, respect and most importantly... look out for,” Paul explained then gave us all a smile, flashing a set of clean, white teeth. I began fidgeting with the buttons on my jacket. God, I hope Ken’s on my team. I’d hate to be working against him.

“When I call out your name just come over to the front. Firstly we have Team X,” Paul began then lifted the paper in front of his face. He began calling out names painfully slowly, “Contestant one... Russ Money.” A tall man with brown hair and glasses stepped up and made his way towards Paul. “Contestant two... Scott Jund.” This time a man with short dark hair walked over to the front, a guitar case slung on his back.

“Contestant three... CinnamonToastKen.” My head shot to Ken who raised his eyebrows.

“Good luck,” he whispered to me before standing up and joining the other men at the front.

“Contestant four... Red.” A woman with bright red hair and glasses hopped up from her seat and rushed over to the front. She was practically leaking enthusiasm which seemed to rub off on me. I shifted and crossed my fingers, hoping my name was called.

“Contestant five... PewDiePie.” I jumped from my seat, causing the few others sitting around me to flinch slightly. I noticed Ken smile widely at me and I brofisted him when I got to the front.

“And the last contestant in Team X is... Cry!” Paul announced. I peered over Kens shoulder and saw the masked man making his way over to us. Gosh, there really was something about him... something I just liked. “Now time for Team Y...”

Cry’s P.O.V

I glanced at the contestants which gathered around me.

In the background I heard Paul call the names of the other team, “MangoLouise... MegaHaz... AmzPix... ShaunFTW... MaximumTimeHunter... StanSeven.”

One contestant had caught my eye in particular, a tall skinny man with dirty blonde hair. When I entered the room the first think I saw was his stunning blue eyes. They were just so bright, so inviting. He stood just behind me, whispering to a contestant he called ‘Ken.’ They seemed to be getting on pretty well already. Was it bad that this made me slightly jealous? I mean, I don’t even know the guy and I’m getting touchy over him. What’s wrong with me? Not to mention this mask... he probably thinks I’m weird.

“Hey, Cry is it?” I felt a hand tap my arm.

“Oh yeah. And you’re Russ right?” I replied, looking at the brunette with glasses.

“That’s right,” he smirked. “I like the mask,” he pointed at my face and I nodded slowly.

“Thanks,” I murmured.

“It’s... different.”

“I guess you could say that,” I chuckled.

“So Cry, made any friends yet?” he teased, already knowing the answer.

“Nope. You?”

“Well I was talking to Red and Scott before. They seem pretty cool,” he replied and nodded towards the red head and the man with the guitar. They were talking quietly beside us.

“What about PewDie?” I whispered quietly before I managed to stop myself. Russ glanced back at the two chatting behind us.

“No not yet but he seems pretty alright. Why? You know him?” he asked.

“Oh no. I was just wondering,” I rushed, feeling my cheeks grow warm behind my mask. I was about to ask him about Ken but Paul’s loud voice interrupted me.

“Now you’ve all met you’re team it’s time to show you were you’ll be living. I’ll take Team X to their quarters. Team Y, you’ll be shown around my Anna,” Paul explained as Anna entered the room. A smile was plastered on her face but it seemed too forced to be genuine.

“Come on then people,” Paul called to us as he made his way towards a glass door leading out the building.

Russ and I trailed behind the group as we followed Paul down the gravel path and towards an area scattered with trees. We were busy talking about the simulations that had been explained to us when I heard someone yell.

“Jesus! Look!” I turned to see a giant house in the distance. It seemed more like an apartment block than a house but as we got closer I noticed the warm brick work and thick glass windows, making the building look more inviting. Not only that but I could see a clear swimming pool peeping out from round back.

“Jävla helvete,” PewDie cried in Swedish. His accent was thick with excitment and for some unknown reason... it made my stomach flip. I noticed Ken glancing up at him, laughing at his outburst. I couldn’t stop myself from smiling either. Pewds was kind of cute.

Wait... was I... attracted to him?!

“Yes I know,” Paul sighed, looking the place up and down. “This will be your home from now on. I’ll let you guys settle in. You’ll need to be back at the main building by ten o’clock tomorrow morning for us to brief you and fill you in on the... rules. For tonight just stay in this building and, please, try not to break anything.”

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