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In gym, I tell the teacher I don't feel well so she lets me sit out. I find a spot on the bleachers and lay down. "Mind if I join," I know if I say no he'll sit down anyway so I say yes. "I'm sorry about earlier. I don't know why I did that. Are you okay," he looks worried. I give his arm a squeeze but nothing actually squishes. Disbelief must show on my face because Harry laughs. "Don't laugh. And yes I am okay. You should not be worried about me. It's Jade and Diane you should worry about," I tell him looking around the gym for them. I spot Jade talking to some people but Diane is nowhere to be seen.
I don't realize Harry is talking to me until he waves his hand in front of my face. "Huh, what? Sorry," I mutter. "I was asking you why I should worry about your friends," after he asks a ball comes flying at his head and I literally push is chest so he can get out of the way. I grab the ball after it falls into one of the stands. "Oh shit. That's Paige," one of the guys says to his buddy. "Yeah, it is. Don't let it happen again or the consequences will be inflicted," I threaten then throw the ball back to them.
I look at Harry and smirk at his shocked expression. "You move really fast. Thank you for that save," he says, still a little shaken. I shrug, "I guess. I'm not fond of my friends getting humiliated. And trust me when I say, if anyone tries to embarrass you, I will find out. I'm kind of a big deal around here." His eyes focus on my lips. "Is it alright if I asked you out again," he asks, catching me off guard. Shit, I didn't expect that. "I...uhh, sure. Just us," I say sitting next to him, he nods.
"Always. Unless you want more company," he lowers his voice and a shiver goes up my spine. "Don't do that anymore, please. I can't handle that," I get hot and he gets closer. I notice his eyes are darker. He takes my hand and kisses my fingers. There's a loud silence that fills the gym. I look around along with Harry and see all of our classmates watching us. I try to pull my hand away but Harry only tightens his grip. I feel face heat up from all the attention. "Harry, they're staring," I say.
"So? They're just haters. They can't touch you because I have," he says, slightly creeping me out. "Harold, please," its my second time using his real name but it still seems normal. He looks at me, bata his eyelashes and shows his dimples. "I want you, Paige. I came here to start over and I need someone to share me new beginnings with. I need you be mine," I can't tell if he's proposing or just asking me to be his girlfriend.
"Harry, I don't know. I just met you yesterday. But-" he interrupted by him saying," feels like I've known you my whole life." My heart stutters and I blush. "Don't kiss again," I know that voice.
By the gym doors, Diane is standing there with her arms crossed. Just to piss her off, Harry grips the back of my neck and smashes his lips into mine.
Now normally I would punch a guy but after hearing Harry tell me his life story, I pull him closer by his shirt.
His tongue slips into my mouth and caresses my own. I moan against his mouth. "Harry, I think I'd like to take you up on your life offer," I say after I pull away. "I knew you couldn't resist me. Especially after that kiss," he pokes my cheek,"school's over so I'll see you later."
We walk out holding hands but has to go another way. I wave to him and continue my walk home alone.

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