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Harry's POV

I leave the room and let Paige take a nap. This is how its gonna be for a while. I wander around the house but eventually end up back in her room. "Harry," her voice carries across the room to me. I turn away from the window to look at her. "What's up,"I reply walking to her curled up body. "I could ask you the same thing. I've noticed you've become very protective of me," she says taking my hand in hers. I don't realize until now, her words are true. I search her eyes, for what, I don't know but there's something there. My mouth has trouble forming words as I watch Paige massage my fingers. 

"Harry," Paige brings me back. "I'm sorry. That feels really nice," I sigh,"I guess I'm just protective of those I love. Wouldn't you be?" She nods slowly and I sit down next to her. She sits up to scoot onto my lap then curls up against my chest. I stroke her hair and she continues massaging my hand. Its silent in the room for a long time and I don't want to mes it up by talking so I save my words for another time. 

Apparently, I'm being too quiet so Paige says,"Are you okay? Like, seriously, what's going on in that head of yours?" I smirk and kiss her. "You don't want to know what's in my head, babe. Nothing is good no matter how you look at it," I reply, slightly implying for her to let it go but she doesn't get it. She sits up, her knees digging into my thighs. I wince and push her off my lap. "Why don't you just tell me instead of making this harder? It doesn't have to be everything, just two thoughts you have. Please, Harry," she makes it so difficult to say no. I know I can't because she'll make sure I regret it later. I sigh, giving up. "There's nothing except for you and me. Everything else is past things that don't need to be remembered by anyone. My focus and thoughts are on you. Always," I tell her and she nods. "Always," she repeats.

Paige's POV 

I offer to make dinner but Harry insists on being stubborn. "No, I will make dinner. Go watch a movie or something but don't step foot in the kitchen until I'm done," he said so I went to the living room  and watched a movie. I was halfway through the second movie when Harry walked in, paused it and lifted me off the couch to carry me to the kitchen. He sets me on the counter then opens the oven. The smell hits me so hard, I have to grip the edge of the counter so I don't fall. "Close your eyes," Harry says reaching into the oven. I close my eyes then hear the oven door close. "Okay. You can look now," he says and I open my eyes. 

On the table, there's a pan of chicken covered in so many seasonings, it'll make a famous chef cry. As a side, he made mashed potatoes. "Wow. Good thing you made dinner," I tease and he flashes his dimples at me. "Well, now you can. The kitchen is free to use anytime of the day you want. Okay," he says abruptly stepping towards me to stand between my legs. I notice the emerald green in his eyes have turned a darker color. Harry's massive hands grip my thighs and he looks deeply into my eyes. The food on table has been forgotten. "Harry? Do you need to be alone? You're scaring me," I tell him but he shrugs me off and grabs my hips. I grab his hands, attempting to get free but he's stronger than me. I start to get frustrated but this only makes him more excited. 

"Remember when we first met in gym class and you were wearing those lovely yoga pants? I wish you had them on so I can rip them off and fuck you senseless," my heart stutters at his choice of words and my face heats up. I can't form words and when I do, it comes out forced. "I'm already pregnant so if you want to kill it, find someone else to fuck, get her pregnant then repeat the sex until you get old and gross," I push him away and hop off the counter,"I'll be in my room." I grab the pan of chicken and storm off to my room. 

I slam the door for emphasis and on the far side of my on the floor so I'm not visible to anyone who comes in. At first, I just pick at chicken then venture to eat it. It's surprisingly good. Only thirty-five minutes later, I'm done. My legs are reluctant to move but after a while of getting them moving I stand up. I open my door and check the hallway then quickly make my way down to the kitchen. I hear the television in the living room on so I push my legs to move faster but it doesn't work. "Paige, come here," he sounds...distant as if he's a different person. I stop and think about throwing the pan in the sink and sprinting back up to my room or throw the pan in the sink and go to Harry. 

I go with option-Too late. He's coming towards me. Where'd his shirt go? I still throw the pan in the sink then meet him halfway between the kitchen and living room. The whites of his eyes are slightly red. I can't help it. My hand reaches up and caresses his cheek. "Harry, I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have," his lips smash into mine as he pulls me into a back breaking hug. My breath catches and I feel him squeeze my sides. I wrap my arms around his neck and return the kiss. He moans against my mouth and I pull away. "Sorry," he mutters,"For everything." Teasingly, I pull his hair and he moans again. I snort a laugh which is cut short because Harry's swipes his tongue up my neck. 

I grip his shirt. "Harry,"I say, warning him. "I know," he replies kissing my neck. 

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