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Its about halfway through my fourth class before lunch, my stomach started acting up. My hand shoots up and a few students jump. "Yes, Ms. Grey," my English teacher asks. "May I please run to the bathroom? It's very urgent," she nods before I finish and I run out of the classroom.
"Shit shit shit. God, I hope I make it," I mutter as I make my way to the closest bathroom.
I empty out whatever was in my stomach and then some. Once I finish, I press my face against the cold stall door. I gather some muscle power and call Harry
Who cares if he's in class? I'm dying. Hopefully he's able to answer his phone. Teachers around here are pretty lenient. He finally answers on the fifth ring. "Hey, what's up," he asks. I clear my throat. "Harry, I'm sick. Like upset stomach or something. I don't know. Had to run so I wouldn't ruin the hallways. I need to go home," I tell him, slightly whining.
"Uhh, I can't leave early. I'm sorry. You'll just have to take it easy, okay? I gotta go. See you at lunch," he replies. "Okay," I hang up then go back to class even though there's only five minutes left. "Paige, are you alright? You look pale," my teacher asks when I get back. I rub my forehead. "Yeah. I'm fine. Thank you," I say smiling while taking my seat.

Gym. The one class I can't focus in. I got hit in the head at least a seven times with the volleyball. "Maybe you should sit out," Harry says nudging me off the court. "Okay, daddy, I'll sit down," I say, nudging him back. He slyly pinches my butt making me yelp in surprise. "Don't call me daddy," he says, lowering his gaze.
I shove him back into the game and make my way towards the bleachers. Only I don't make it. Another ball hits me in the head and I get dizzy. "Paige," I hear Jade yell. I drop to my knees and black out.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Breathing. Breathing. Beep. Beep. There's something on my face.
It's too hot. So much noise. Make it stop.
"Sir, she's coming to," a voice echoes all around. "Good. That's what we want," another voice says.
A grunt, almost like an animal fills the room. I made that noise.
My hand twitches and I realize where I am. I gasp and open my eyes. Beep beep beep beep. "Whoa. Calm down. You're safe. Nothing is going to happen to you. It's okay," that voice. Why do I know that voice? Do I know them? I look down at myself and see I'm sure in a hospital bed with a breathing mask on my face. Frustrated, I pull it off and take in a big breath of air. My eyes travel around the room and find the green ones I know. "Hey you," has he been crying? "Hi," I say looking him over.
"Let's give them some time alone," the others in the room leave. Just as the door closes, he presses his lips against mine. A small gasp escapes me. "I was worried. That ball hit you pretty hard. How do you feel," Harry, that's his name.
I shrug. "I don't know. How long was I out," I say trying to remember what happened. He had holds up the number five with his hand. My jaw falls open. "Five hours? Wow," I sigh,"could you call those guys in. I feel like they have information that we need to know." He nods then goes out the door. They come in. "You must have many questions. We have some answers," the first nurse says.
Harry leans his elbows on my thighs and I whine in pain. "Oww, get off," he plants his elbows in between my legs. "Now first off, the tests were all really good. Great results. We also ran a pregnancy test and....," the guy pauses.
He fucking paused. I fight the urge to yell what at him but I don't. "And," Harry usays impaitiently. The guy nods. "Ms. Grey, you're pregnant," he finishes. Everything falls away as a fifty foot swell of emotions comes crashing down on me.
Nothing is going to be the same. Not after hearing that kind of news. The beeps of the heart monitor begins to get faster. A hand on my face brings me back to reality. "Paige, we will get through this. I promised I would help, so that's what I will do," Harry reminds me then looks at one of the nurses," when can she go home?" They look at each other. "Uhh, now actually. We have to start clearing these rooms anyway. We already arranged everything so you can walk out and go home," the blonde one says with a smile.

When we get to Harry's place, I check my phone and see I have like fifteen missed calls from three different people. "Are you hungry," Harry asks me, I tell him no. His eyes are full of so many emotions, I just can't take it it. I have to look away so I don't cry. "I'm gonna go take a nap for a little bit. Get some of my strength and energy back," I tell him them go up to his room. We have school tomorrow. I'm so not going. It's just too much to handle right now.

Harry's POV
My mind is racing with all that's happened today. I can't focus on one thing for too long otherwise I'll go crazy. I'm not hungry so I just give up on the sandwich I was making and go up to my room.
I enter and see Paige on the fetal position on my bed. This makes me happy because I know she's safe and no harm can come to her.
I'm a pretty lucky guy if you think about it. "Harry," her voice is so soft I barely hear her say my name. The only way I can tell is because she turns and faces me. "Come lay with me. It's very lonely on the massive bed," she says rubbing the spot next to her. I kick my shoes off and lay next to her. Paige immediately huddles into my chest and I put my arms around her. "You're so warm. I love it," she mumbles and I laugh while rubbing her back.
We end up falling asleep in this position.

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