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I deeply apologize if there's any spelling mistakes, Enjoy!

"Hiccup, for the last time, you're joining dragon training," Stoick, the chief, voice boomed. "I don't want to," Hiccup said firmly. "And this conversation is over!" Stoick then turned around and stormed out of the house, Hiccup sighed and looked at the axe Stoick gave him.

He didn't want to kill dragons as he realized that there just misunderstood beings that attack because there scared. "The rest of could have done it, so why didn't you?" A female voice asked, "I don't know, I couldn't,"

"That's not an answer,"

"Why is this so important to you all of a sudden!"

"Because I wanna remember what you said, right now!"

"Oh for the love of-, I was a coward, I was weak, I wouldn't kill a dragon,"

"You said wouldn't that time,"

"Oh, whatever! I wouldn't! 300 years and I'm the first Viking that wouldn't kill a dragon!" Hiccup sighed and turned away from her.

"First to ride one tho," he widened his eyes and looked back at her, "I have an idea," he then ran off, "wait!" The girl, Astrid, ran after him.

"Ok Hiccup, what are you doing?" She asked looking down at him gathering things, "I'm going to leave," he answered without even looking up at her, "what?"

"Yes, care to join me?" he stood up holding a basket, "toothless would get tired carrying us both," she answered, "Then let's get you your own dragon," Astrid found her lips forming a smile.

"What about-" Astrid cut Hiccup off, "her," she said pointing at a blue and yellow deadly nadder.

They were at the arena where they kept dragons for dragon killing school, "okay, perfect," Hiccup said opening the gate where she was. The nadder immediately jumped out ready to attack, "hey, hey, we don't want to hurt you," Hiccup said raising his hands towards her, the nadder calmed down a bit, still anxious. Hiccup moved closer and rubbed under her chin, "yeah that's it," she then nuzzled him and he put his hand out facing away, then felt her snout touch his palm. "Okay we're good, come," he gestured to Astrid.

She walked slowly, Hiccup took her hand and put it in front of the nadder and slowly backed away, Astrid copied what Hiccup did and got the same reaction. Astrid scratched the nadder under her chin, "I need to give you a name," the nadder squawked, "how about....Stormfly?" Astrid suggested, the nadder squawked in a way of saying 'yes'.

"Well we better get going when it's still dark," Hiccup said and turned his gaze to the other dragons in the arena. "But first," he then opened the gate letting the other dragons out, did the same thing he did for Stormfly and they calmed down.

As they reached the cove, a black figure came running and knocked Hiccup down, "toothless!" He said happily, "hey bud," he then pushed toothless, the Night fury he trained a while ago, and stood up. "We're all going to take a little vacation....forever," toothless gave a gummy smile.

"Are u sure about this, I'm not forcing you or anything," Hiccup spoke attaching toothless saddle, "yes Hiccup, for the hundredth time, I don't want to stay here and kill dragons," Hiccup then smiled and attaches his and Astrid belongings to toothless' saddle. "I guess it time," they mounted their dragons and flew off with the others they save from the arena, a monstrous nightmare, zippleback and a gronckle.

"Hiccup I'm sorry," Astrid started, "what are you going on about?"

"I'm sorry for the way the others....treated you."

"It's not your fault, they should be sorry, not you."

"I know, but I should have stopped them. And maybe-" "Astrid stop." Hiccup cut her off, "you're not at fault. And it's not like you could done anything. If you helped me, you could have ended in the same situation. Maybe." Astrid smiled in defeat and sighed, "okay."

"This island looks.....perfect." Astrid cheered earning a chuckle from Hiccup, "yep, maybe we could call it Home."

Hiccup stared to the horizon with a blank expression. "You okay?" Astrid asked, "yeah." "Ok-spill!" "Look. I'm happy we're here. I'm satisfied that we left Berk. But I'm going to miss Gobber, y'know. He's the only one, except from you maybe, that actually treated me like I'm someone."

Astrid frowned. "Hey. We can always visit him?" "Nah I think they I rather just stay away from Berk as much as I can." Hiccup laughed and Astrid joined. They had faith that the two of them could save and change lives together. But first, they actually have to build a base.

Well that's the first chapter done! A bit boring Ik, but there's more coming. I actually had started writing this book, but i decided to change the plot so i deleted most of what i had written. But anyway I don't have much to say, but hoped you enjoyed.

See yah!

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