Buffalord soldier

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Once again, they reached back after a barely successful mission. As soon as the crowd saw the sight of the dragons and ship, they ruptured into applause. They were happy their empress was back home and safe.

Hiccup walked in where Astrid was kept for an easier recovery. "Hey," he greeted her slowly.


"Feeling better already I see?"

"Yeah, so, you gonna tell me what happened when I was kidnapped?"

"Uhh, they found about what's been happening, well at-least most of it, and also about my mom." He sat next to her. "And exactly what happened to you?" He asked intertwining their hands.

"Not much, Drago asked questions that I refused to answer and they now know how I look like." She sighed in defeat, "it's ok. We'll put an end to him."

He smiled in reassurance and leaned in to kiss her soft lips. "We better." She said pulling apart.

Astrid parents walked in as Hiccup stood up, "I'll leave the, three of you." He said briefly and left, but not before sharing a warm smile with Astrid.

"You and Hiccup," Astrid mom chuckled. "Haha."

"Seriously, you too have something going on."

"Well.." she lifted her hand showing the ring Hiccup had crafted with his own hands for her. "Your getting..."

"Married? Yeah." She smiled, "since when?" Her father finally spoke out of his shocked disbelief. "Not long, after we had, escaped from Berk."

"About that.."

"It's fine mom it's not like you could have known it was us anyway."

"Yeah true, we have a lot to catch up on don't we."

"That we do."

Hiccup was staring out to the open, in a little sea stack he would come to clear his head and think, sometimes with Astrid just to be alone for once.

"I don't know what to do toothless."

"Do what?"

"About Drago, about Berk. I always have a gut feeling of what to do but I just, don't."

"You'll figure it out Hiccup, you always do."

"Yeah I guess." He picked up a rock and threw it to the ocean down below. "He's going to be attacking soon, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if anybody got hurt."

"Hiccup, don't overthink it. Your Hiccup, the guy that always comes up with something."

Hiccup chuckled, "yeah sure."

He took at his notebook and started to sketch, something he'll do just to clear his head. It ended up being Astrid, not like this was the first picture he drew of her. Then the familiar yet famous squawk of a nadder was heard.

But it didn't have her rider. "Stormfly, what's wrong girl?"

"It's Astrid!"

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