New Berk and new problems

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"Hiccup?" Stoick slowly entered his quarters.

"Dad? I was just about to look for you. I have something to show you." He pulled out his map to which Stoick inspected closely. "What's this?"

"An island, not far from here. You can settle there, until we can get Berk back at least." He announced excitedly. "Mhh, I don't have much of a choice, do I?" Stoick rubbed his long red beard.

"Uhh, no?"

"Show us to the island."

Everyone that escaped Berk was now on one of the Drananian ships, ready for their new 'home'. So many thank you's were given to Hiccup and his team from them, tho they were hardly true cause all they wanted was their Berk back, and Hiccup knew.

"You can't stay on Drananain forever, enjoy this new island until we can sort your problem out."

"Thank you son, but are you not joining us on this trip?" Stoick questioned. "I have things I need to...take care of. Astrid would be happy to."

"Happy isn't the right word Hiccup, but yes, I'll be joining you." Astrid said walking down to the docks, full amour. "Yeah, ok enjoy I guess." Hiccup whispered to her. "I'm getting you back for putting me on this." She growled.

"Hey, I probably won't live long after this so might as well make fun of you for it." Hiccup joked. "Hahaha very funny Mr. Haddock."

She cleared her throat turning back to the Berkians waiting. "I guess a trip is in order?"

It's been an hour or two, Astrid hadn't really been counting. The island wasn't far but it wasn't close either, the ship slightly slowing down the trip but they were making ground either way.

Kids played on the deck while most adults rested below. Astrid was minding her own business with her dragon sleeping down beside her. "Astrid!" She turned to the familiar annoying voice that woke up Stormfly with how loud he was.

"Snotlout? Great." She mumbled sarcastically. "Yeah I know I'm great. I've been noticing you guys have been ignoring us. I've come to my conclusion that you guys hate us."

"Never knew Snotlout could be smart. How long did it take you to think that?" She smirked.

"Hey! I'm smart thank you very much. But seriously."

"Yeah so what? We have more, important things. The empire isn't going to protect itself."

"Dra...whatever the name of you empire is, is more important than Berk, home?"

"Well, we did build this empire by ourselves, and for a good reason. We're almost here." She changed the subject.

The island was larger than Berk, but just as beautiful. The green luscious forest with large trees enough to build huts and still keep the beautiful forest.

"Wow Astrid, you were right about this place." Stoick said from behind. "Yeah." She breathed.

"Anything?" Heather asked as the black dragon landed in front of her. "Nope." Hiccup answered. "Well he couldn't have just disappeared into thin air."

"That's a good solution..." Heather gave him a glare, "uhm, I checked the island we fought Ryker, nothing was there, and we have no idea where Rykers base is."

"There goes the 'Ryker kidnapped Viggo' idea." She sighed. "We'll just have to wait, neither have the others found anything."

"I'm praying his safe."

The group had just finished looking around the island, on foot cause apparently, Astrid search in the air wasn't enough and they had to do it the 'Viking way' or something.

"Well, are you happy?" Astrid asked her patience ending. "Yes." Stoick answered proud. "Great, I better go."

"And Astrid."


"Visit once in a while."

"Right." She put her helmet back on and Stormfly blended slightly to let Astrid on. She tapped her carefully and they flew off.

Omg sorry for the long wait but here it is. It's a bit short but I have something good coming up. And TYSSMM FOR 2K READS. LOVE YOU ALL.

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