Dallas Winston - Curtis Sister

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  Italics - Dialogue Word Count: 1033

I woke up to the sun hitting my face, I got out of bed and stretched. I got ready for the day and went out to the kitchen for breakfast, as I was walking down the stairs I heard the gang talking and laughing, then that's when I heard Dally's voice. I've had a crush on Dallas for a long time now, as soon as I heard his voice I immediately got nervous. I tried to ignore the nervous feeling growing inside me and continued walking down the stairs.

When I got to the kitchen I was greeted by Darry whom was making scrabbled eggs and bacon. "Morning y/n how was your sleep?" Darry asked with a bright smile plastered on his face. "I had a good sleep", I replied with a small smile. I went over to the livingroom and Pony was sitting on the couch reading a book as always, "hey pony" I said as I plopped down on the couch beside him, "hey y/n"Pony replied with a sweet tone while still focusing on his book. I turned around and greeted Johnny who was sitting on the couch next to me. "Hey Johnnycakes, how was your sleep?". "Hey y/n/n I had a good sleep, your couch is real comfy!" We let Johnny sleep on our couch last night since his parents were fighting again, I feel so bad for him he goes through so much.

As I was talking to Johnny I felt someone staring at me, I turned my head and noticed that Dally was looking at me with a smirk on his face, I blushed and said hi to Dallas. "Hey doll". He replied with the same smirk on his face while looking at me up and down, then I saw Soda come out of his room and I said hi. "Hey Soda!" I said with a sweet smile, "hey y/n/n!" He greeted back with his same kind smile. Suddenly Two-Bit and Steve bursted through the door, "Hey yall!" Both Steve and Two-Bit said at the same time, "hey" we all said.

"Breakfast is ready!" Darry yelled from the kitchen, as soon as he said that the gang immediately went to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat, I wasn't very hungry this morning so I just drank some hot chocolate. "Hurry up Soda, we're gonna be late for work!" Steve yelled at Soda to hurry up with his mouth full of chocolate cake. Two-Bit came and sat down on the couch with a beer in his hand and played Mickey Mouse on the TV. "Hey doll, me , Johnny, and Pony are going to the drive in later tonight you wanna come with?" Dally asked me. "Sure I don't see why not". I replied with pink cheeks. I always blush when Dallas talks to me, I just can't help it. "Cool he said with the same smirk as always, he looked into my eyes for a little longer than he usually does, I'm not very good at holding eye contact for long so I immediately broke it, feeling my cheeks heat up.

After Darry, Steve, and Soda left to work, it was just me Pony, Dally, Two-Bit and Johnny. Two-Bit was going out for drinks, "See you guys later!" He said as he walked out the door, "byee" we all replied at the same time. Dally left to go to Bucks place for a while "Bye Johnny, bye Pony!" Dallas said. "Bye doll" Dally said to me with a wink and a smirk. I was screaming inside!! Dallas Winston winked at me!!!

It was 7:00 o'clock at night, I got out of my bed and put on some baggy jeans, a black crop top , and my converse with a leather jacket. It's time for me to go to the drive-in with Dally, Johnny and Pony. I put on a little bit of blush and some lipgloss, and I walked out of my room. We finally got to the drive-in, me and Johnny sat down while Pony went to buy some popcorn and cokes for us. Johnny was on my left and Dally was on my right, I felt Dallas staring at me again so I turned to my right to face him and said, "what's with you and your staring problems?" I said with a sassy tone, mind you I liked it when Dally would stare. I just wanted to get his attention. "What's wrong with me staring at you doll? You know you like it". He said with a raised eyebrow and the same smirk as always. "Ohhh nothing". I replied back with sarcasm in my voice.

Pony came back with the popcorn and cokes, then we continued to watch the movie. After the movie we walked home in silence. Then I heard Dally say my name. "Y/n can uh we talk for a minute I wanna tell you something doll". "Sure" I replied with a shaky voice, it was really cold out. "Pony, Johnny you guys go ahead we'll be right there". Dallas said. "Alright see you guys later." Johnny replied back smirking as if he knew what Dallas was going to tell me. After they left it was just me and Dallas standing in the sidewalk facing each other, "so what did you want to tell me?" I asked with a nervous tone. "So uh I don't really know how to say this but, I really like you doll. I have for a while now. I know I'm always going around looking for broads but I really dig you doll. So will you go out with me sometime?" I cannot believe the words that just came out of his mouth. Dallas Winston wants to go out with me?!!! "Yes, yes, yes I'll go out with you dally!" I replied jumping up and down. He immediately pulled me into a soft and gentle kiss, I of course kissed him back. This was the best night of my life!

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