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Italics = Dialogue/Thoughts

y/n/n = your nickname
y/h/c = your hair color

"Do we really have to get our roof fixed today?" I asked my brother, Zachariah with frustration. Our roof has a small whole on it, but it's not too bad. "Yes of course we do, we can't live in our house with a whole on the roof y/n/n". Zach replied back rolling his eyes in annoyance.

I absolutely hate having people over to do repairs on the house, it's so annoying. They make too much noise and I can't focus getting stuff done around the house. "I don't understand why it bothers you so much when people come over to fix the house, what's the big deal?" Zach asked me with confused look on his face. "It's just so annoying how much noise they make while I'm trying to get stuff done!" I replied while munching on a cookie.

"Well you're gonna have to deal with it today." Zach said as he walked back to his room. After a while the doorbell rang. Zach came down the stairs to open the door, that's when I saw the most handsome man ever. He was tall with dark brown hair and a muscular body , along with beautiful blue-green eyes. "Hey I'm Darry Curtis, I'm here to fix your roof, you said it had a small whole right?" He asked Zach with a smile. "Yeah it does, thanks for coming by." Zach replied back.

I was too distracted staring at him not realizing that he noticed. As soon as we locked eyes i immediately broke eye contact, I just couldn't hold it. "I'll be upstairs cleaning my room." I said to Zach trying not to embarrass myself in front of the handsome man. "Alright". He replied back suspiciously.

It's been over 15 minutes so I decided to go downstairs to grab a snack, I've been in my room for a while now. As I was walking down the steps of the stairs I saw Darry in the kitchen out of the corner of my eye, trying not to let him see me. I gave up and went towards the kitchen. "Hey, you're Zach's sister right?" Darry asked while looking at me with a look in his eyes. "Um yeah I'm y/n, but people call me y/n/n." I replied as I ran my hand through my y/h/c hair.

"I'm 20." Darry said as we shook hands. "I'm also 20." I said with a smile. "I was wondering if I could get your number, maybe we could go out sometime". He said while scratching the back of his neck nervously, "Of course, I'd like that." I replied back as I wrote my number on a piece of paper and handed it to him.

"It was nice meeting you y/n." Darry said with a wink as he walked away. I felt my cheeks heat up as I giggled and kicked my feet around. I guess having people doing repairs on the house isn't so bad after all.

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