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 YOU WERE TAKING a stroll in the park since it was a hot sunny day

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YOU WERE TAKING a stroll in the park since it was a hot sunny day. You were wearing a beautiful dress with flowers on it and sneakers, your hair was tied up into a cute messy bun. You got some ice-cream before walking to the Curtis house, not knowing what else to do.

Once you walked in, Two-Bit was sitting on the floor eating chocolate cake with a beer. Dallas, Johnny and Ponyboy were sitting on the couch, watching TV, Steve and Soda were in the dining room arm wrestling and Darry was sitting on his arm chair reading the newspaper.

Your cheeks flushed upon seeing Darry, you've developed feelings for him these past few months, but you decided to never say anything, thinking that he'll never feel the same, though the gang tells you otherwise. "Hey y/n!" The gang said in unison.

"Hii guys, what y'all been up to?" You asked taking a seat beside Ponyboy. "Nothing much, just watching TV." Dally replied. You nodded your head humming.

You got up and made your way to the kitchen for a glass of juice. As you began to pour the juice in your cup footsteps approached you. "Hey y/n, sorry I didn't greet ya I was reading the newspaper. You look gorgeous doll." Darry spoke up. You felt your body heat up and your heart fluttered at his compliment. "Oh don't worry about it Dar, it's alright, and thank you." You replied smiling.

Darry winked at you with a small smirk, in response . You swear you felt your gear skip a beat at that simple gesture. For the rest of the night Darry shot you glasses here and there, the both of you flirted, the gang kept teasing you both nonstop.

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