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I was in the living room watching TV when the phone rang. I got up from the couch to pick up the phone. "Hello?" I asked whoever was calling. "Hey y/n it's me Soda. Me and the gang are going out tonight. Do you wanna join?" "Oh, hey Soda yeah sure. Where are we going?" I replied smiling. "We'll start planning it when you come." "Alright see you guys in a bit." I replied hanging up the phone after we bid goodbye.

After a few minutes I got ready to go to the Curtis house, I hope Dallas is going. I've liked him for so long but I'll never tell him, he doesn't feel the same. I put on some cute jeans my black boots and a crop top with my leather jacket. I stepped out of my house and started walking to the Curtis house.

Once I got there the whole gang was sitting on the couch, when they saw me they all smiled. "Hey y/n/n!" They all said. "Hi guys!" I replied back smiling as I sat next to Johnny on the couch. I noticed that Dallas was here,'thank goodness he's here' I thought to myself feeling my cheeks get warm.

"Hey doll." Dallas replied winking at me. I just knew my face was red as a tomato. We all planned what we're going to do and we were out of the house. As I was walking Dallas started walking beside me, my heart was racing. "Hey doll, can I uh talk to ya?" He asked me smirking. "Yeah sure." I said as we came to a stop.

"So uh I really like you doll, like really like you. I know I'm not usually like this but can I take you out on a date tomorrow?" Dally asked me scratching his neck nervously. My heart felt like it was about to burst, my cheeks were getting hot. "Ofc I'll go out with you Dally. I've liked you for so long!" I replied jumping in his arms, he hugged me back and pulled me into a warm and tender kiss.

We pulled apart as we realized that we were a bit far from the gang and started waking back. I had a wide smile on my face, I can't believe that just happened. "I can't wait to see the gang's reaction Dal." I said looking up at him. "Me too doll, me too." He replied as he gave me a peck on the lips.

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