Steve - First Glance

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My name is Y/n and I moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma a few days ago, my parents were drunks and would always hit me. So I decided to put an end to it and leave. I'm walking around town looking at places when I passed by a gas station called, 'DX'. I decided to buy some snacks, so I went in.

As I entered I saw a guy with dark brown greasy hair and blue eyes he had muscles and a tattoo of an eagle on his arm. ''Hey doll what do ya need?" He asked in a southern accent with a small smirk on his face. "Hey, just some snacks." I replied smiling walking towards the snack section to grab some chips and a coke.

I gave him the money and I was about to walk out when he said, "Wait, can I get your uh number?" He said anxiously, "Yeah for sure." I replied back smiling ear to ear, my cheeks started to heat up. I gave him my number and said goodbye. "Bye doll, have a good rest of your day. Oh I'm Steve by the way." He said with a wink. "I'm Y/n". I replied.

"Byeee." I replied again giggling. At that point I was red as a tomato. I walked home thinking about him with a smile on my face. 'Steve, that's a nice name." I thought as I walked home happy.

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