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     I WAS AT the Curtis house with the gang, while sitting on the couch eating some chocolate cake and chocolate milk

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   I WAS AT the Curtis house with the gang, while sitting on the couch eating some chocolate cake and chocolate milk. Two-Bit came over and sat on the couch and played Mickey Mouse on the TV. 'Jeez when is his obsession going to stop'. I thought to myself.

Then Ponyboy and Johnny came through the door. I blushed when I saw Johnny, I've had a crush on him for a while, I just never had the courage to tell him. I quickly looked away when he saw me staring. "Hey Y/n you wanna go to the drive-in later with me, Dally and Johnny? Pony asked me as he sat down beside me. "Sure why not." I replied trying my best not to look at Johnny. I could feel his eyes on me.

Time Skip:

It was time to go to the drive in, me Pony, and Johnny said our goodbyes to the gang as we walked out the door to meet up with Dally. We finally got there and Dallas was smoking a cigarette. "So what do you wanna do Dal?" Pony asked as he put his hands in his pockets. "Nothing legal man, let get outta here." He said with a smirk and we started walking. I couldn't help but look at Johnny, but when I turned to look at him he was already staring.

I felt my cheeks heat up. He quickly looked away realizing that I caught him staring. 'He's so cute.' I thought looking down smiling to myself. We got to the drive-in and we sat down. "Y'all want somethin?" Pony asked as he got up to go get some drinks and popcorn. "I want a coke and popcorn please." I said with a smile. "Me too". Said Johnny.

Dallas was too busy smoking and watching the movie to pay attention to Johnny. As I started watching the movie I felt eyes on me, I turned to my left and Johnny was staring but this time he didn't break eye contact, I felt like I was about to explode because of how hot my cheeks were getting. Then he realized that he kept staring and he broke out of his trance. "Sorry doll I didn't mean to stare at ya." He said nervously looking away. "It's ok Johnny I don't mind you staring." I replied back in a low voice.

Johnny looked back at me with a small smirk. He paused before speaking, "I like you Y/n, you probably don't like me back but I just wanted you to know." He said shaking from how nervous he was. "I like you too Johnny, I have for a good while, I just never had the courage to tell you." I said still blushing. He smiled back and he put his hand around my waist. Pony came back with the drinks and popcorn, and we continued to watch the movie.

After the drive-in Johnny asked me out. I was giggling and kicking my feet as I was in bed trying to sleep but I just couldn't help but think about Johnny. Tonight was one heck of a night.

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