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          Italics: Dialogue/Thoughts

I was at the Curtis house watching a movie with the gang, when Two-Bit suddenly spoke up, "Who wants to go to the Nightly Double?!" The whole gang agreed except for Soda, 'strange he always wants to go'  I thought to myself. Me on the other hand  declined I didn't feel like going, I don't usually go, once in while I do, but not tonight.

  "Alright then suit yourselves!" Steve shouted from outside to me and Soda as the rest of the gang  walked out the door saying their goodbyes. "Don't have too much fun!" Two-Bit added laughing as he walked out. I rolled my eyes as I blushed in embarrassment. I'm all alone with Soda, I've always had a thing for him but I never said anything since I was too scared to do so, plus it's not like he likes me back anyway. I took the remote to change the channel, but I felt a pair of eyes on me.

I turned my gaze to my right and saw Soda was sitting next to me looking at me with a look of admiration in his eyes, I felt my cheeks starting to heat up from his stare. "Hey, Soda you alright?" I asked him waving my hand in his face as a way to get him out of his trance. "Oh yeah I'm fine, s-sorry." He said realizing that he'd been staring this whole time.

  We stared at each other for a while and we started leaning in, and that's when our lips intertwined. I felt butterflies forming in my stomach, my heart was beating so fast. His lips were soft and tender, we pulled away to catch our breaths. "Y/n I've liked you for so long and I wanted to ask if you'd be mine?" Soda asked me nervously with pink cheeks, "Omg, yes Soda of course I will!" I replied jumping into his arms with joy.

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