Chapter 22.1; "Circumstances." (2)

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Turn away.

Heliotrope flower.

Sounds familiar, right?

Well, how about we figure things out together again?

Remember when Taehyun gave Beomgyu the perfect flower?

A heliotrope.

The definition of it means:

A light purple color which also signify

light-hearted and romantic energies.

And a heliotrope in love symbolizes:

Eternal love.

And eternal is a word you have to be careful using of.

Eternal is a word that indicates no ending or beginning, lasting forever.

Eternal love? yes, that was what it said,

no matter how hard it is,

he will still continue to love Beomgyu

no matter how hurt he is.

Many negative situations have already crossed his path,

but with patience and true love,

he always manages to be stable

on the right path.

But the problem is that he doesn't know where he would end up on.

Yeah but why eternal? isn't that way too exaggerated?

Because right, nothing lasts forever.

Foods expire,

cushions get old and eventually rot,

nature and animals die,

people leave your side and also die.

It's hard to love,

because they can leave easily

for particular personal reasons,

or maybe just for fun

because they either used you or/and manipulated you.

It's hard to trust,

mostly when they've already betrayed you.

Beomgyu sighed as he felt the familiar sensation swirling around his stomach, pulling away and turning around before their lips meet.

He heard Taehyun scoff at himself in disbelief, "I'm sorry." he apologized quietly.

Beomgyu felt his movements as he stood up, grabbed the pillow and the blanket on the side corner of the bed. "You can sleep at my room if you want." he informed, feeling bad to see Beomgyu sleep on the couch. He may be uncomfortable with the position or can't sleep at all on the hard cushion.

"Mmh.." Beomgyu hummed sleepily. He slightly flinched when he felt a blanket wrapping around his body and a hand slipping on the side of his head, lifting it up slowly as a pillow was placed under it.

"Good night, hyung." Taehyun patted Beomgyu's shoulder gently as he tucked the older in, greeting a good night with a soothing calm voice before sitting on the floor and watch Beomgyu sleep.

Beomgyu lowered his head down closet to his chest, not wanting for his red face to be visible in Taehyun's sight for silly safeness from teasing and embarrassment.

His heart was beating rapidly again, his lids flattering and pupils shaking. Underneath the blankets was his fingers fidgeting with each other nervously. He felt himself.. falling in love once again.

But his head was telling him to do otherwise. Like his heart and mind were fighting with each other. — And it all ends with the same winner as back then. Even though his mind tried to feel his heart the opposite, his heart still falls for him eventually.

Beomgyu can't hate Taehyun — and will never do.

The older found himself falling asleep, finally drifting off to sleep as he felt his body muscles resting.

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