ch.8.A bit too blunt

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(12 July)

I enjoyed the various refreshments my wonderful elves supplied while reading the book on golems i found in the black Library.

Yes, this was a major reason to earn and spend money!

"My lord?" I looked up just as Vanya followed Howard out of the pensive.

"So, does it look fake?" I asked butchering the sweets and keeping the book down.

"That was......" Howard said at loss for words.

"Horrendous,Horrifying, disgusting, disturbing, Terrible, terrifying." Vanya said breathless

"He went as far as killing unicorns?!" Howard said aghast.

"That's how evil and unhinged he is" Vanya said with unhidden disgust.

"Was he like that in the old days too?" Howard asked Vanya

"Almost" was Vanya's reply before he killed a whole glass of water in one angry sip.

"Why wasn't the ministry notified?" Howard asked me reclaiming his seat.

"The nice logical reason would be that It looks bad on Hogwarts moreover it will cause mass panic, the bad selfish reason would be that headmaster dumby simply didn't want the ministery involved and he has future plans" i said kicking back into the couch as if I wasn't talking about such a sirius matter.

"What future plans!?" Vanya asked harshly glaring at the pensive.

"Terrible evil plans involving the Dork Lard." I paused to look at them in eyes. "Plans that involve many sacrifices and bloodshed" I said inspecting their looks.

"Why would Dumbledore even do that?" Howard asked plainly confused

"For power and fame you fool!" Vanya chided "I never liked how tight lipped he was about everything even during Grindelwald's war"

"He has enough fame" Howard said

"That's what we ordinary folks think, but a man's greed knows no bounds" I said shaking my head.

"I'll try to trust you on this, young lord" Howard said.

"I won't dare disappoint both of you, and I'm sure by now you know I'm not like most 11 year olds" i said standing up.
Enough dilly dallying.

"What are we going to do?" Howard asked

"You do trust me right?" I asked, pulling out my wand.

"Of course we do young lord" Vanya asked.

"I'm a very paranoid person, so I'll require magical oaths,everything that the both of you hear in this room from now till this meeting is over will never leave this room. Please swear that you'll never even try to tell or hint in any form spoken or otherwise about anything you hear inside this room to anyone dead, alive, human or creature"

"That's a rather extensive oath" Howard said

"It's the least one must do before discussing the Dork Lard as the young lord calls him" Vanya barked giving me a approving look.

"Don't worry I'll also swear that everything I say from now will be true" I said easing Howard's worries.

After the oath.

"Right now The Dork Lard is incubating as a wraith in some unknown place, my guess is that he'll take at least 2 more years to gain back a corporal form then some followers, I'm going to hit him before that"

"You aren't intending to duel him are you?" Howard asked giving me an Incredulous look.

"In the end. Right now it's the plan but I'm cooking some schemes on pitting someone else against him if possible"

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